Brainwashing - A synthesis of the Russian Textbook on Psychopolitics, 1955.PeriodicalsCeremonies of the Founding Church, New Edition 1966 (cited as 'Ceremonies'). The Character of Scientology, (c) 1968.
Child Dianetics, Fourth Edition 1968.
Dianetics 55 (c) 1961,1968 Edition (cited as 'Dianetics 55').
Dianetics: The Evolution of a Science, (c) 1950,1968 Edition (cited as 'Dianetics: ES').
Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, Ninth Printing, December 1956 (cited as 'Dianetics: MSMH 1956').
Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, Fourteenth Printing, January 1968 (cited as 'Dianetics: MSMH 1968').
The Fundamentals of Thought, (c) 1956, Sixth Printing 1967.
Have You Lived Before This Life? (c) 1958, 1968 Edition.
Kangaroo Court - An investigation into the conduct of the Board of Inquiry into Scientology, Melbourne, Australia, (c) 1967 (cited as 'Kangaroo Court').
A report to Members of Parliament on Scientology, December 1968 (cited as 'Report to MPs').
Science of Survival: Prediction of Human Behaviour, Tenth Printing, November 1967.
Scientology 8-8008, (c) 1953,1967 Edition.
Scientology and the Bible, (c) 1967.
Scientology Clear Procedure, Issue 1, 1968.
E Meter Essentials, (c) 1961, 1968 printing.
The Auditor - The Journal of Scientology, nos. 33, 34 and 41, 1968, nos. 46 and 48, 1969.HandbillsCertainty - Official Periodical of Scientology in the British Isles, Vol. 16 No. 3, 1968.
Change - The Scientology Foundation Magazine, Issue XVII, 1968. Freedom Scientology Nos. 8 and 11, (c) 1969.
Attend the Free Personality Efficiency Course, (c) 1968.Become a Standard Dianetic Auditor, (c) 1969.
Children's Communication Course, (c) 1967.
Join the Crusade to make a Healthy England, (c) 1969.
Promotional Pamphlet, (c) 1969.
The Public Relations Officer Course, (c) 1969.
Report of the Board of Inquiry into Scientology, Victoria 1965 (cited as 'Anderson Report').CanadaReport of the Select Committee of the Legislative Council on the Scientology (Prohibition) Bill, South Australia 1968.
Report of the Committee on the Healing Arts, Ontario 1970.New ZealandLee, John A. - Sectarian Healers and Hypnotherapy - A Study for the Committee on the Healing Arts, 1970 (cited as 'Lee').
Report of the Commission of Inquiry, Hubbard Scientology Organisation in New Zealand, 1969.United Kingdom
Report of the Bognor Regis Inquiry, 1965.Report of the Commission on Immigration Appeals 1967, Cmnd. 3387.
Royal Commission on Tribunals of Inquiry 1966, Cmnd. 3121.
Standing Instructions to Immigration Officers 1970, Cmnd. 4296.
Chambers' Encyclopedia.Fox, J. - Experimental Investigation of Hubbard's Engram Hypothesis, Psychological Abstracts, No. 1475, 1960.
Freud, Siegmund - 'The Question of Lay Analysis, Conversations with an Impartial Person', Incomplete Works, Vol. XX, London, Hogarth Press 1959.
Halsbury's Laws of England, 3rd Edition, Vol. 26.
Medawar, Sir Peter - Hypothesis and Imagination, in 'The Art of the Soluble', London Pelican Books 1969.
Shorter Oxford Dictionary.
Webster's New 20th Century Dictionary.
Westin, Alan F. - Privacy and Freedom, London Bodley Head 1970.
Last updated 21 February 1997
Page maintained by Martin Poulter (