A Church of American Science Incorporated: Rules of. B Hubbard Association of Scientologists International Incorporated: Rules of. C Hubbard Association of Scientologists Ltd: Memo. and Articles of Association. D Certificate of Assistant Registrar of Companies, Wellington of 14.3.69 relative to: (1) Hubbard Association of Scientologists International Ltd. (2) The Church of American Science Incorporated. E Hubbard Association of Scientologists International: Articles of Incorporation. F Church of Scientology of California: Articles of Incorporation. G Brochure: To the Householder: Scientology and your Children. H Affinity - Psychosis, Vol. 7, No. 6. I Affinity - Marriage, Vol. 8, No. 1. J Affinity - minor: Dianetics. K Affinity - minor issue, Vol. 8, No. 9.: Myths of the mind. L Affinity - major issue, Vol. 8, No. 10: The Hope of Man. M1, M2 Affinity - major issue, Vol. 8, No. 12: Advanced Courses at A.O. Greece N Affinity - minor issue, Vol. 9, No. 11: Security Checks Abolished. O Agreement and Release, Church of Scientology, California. P The Auditor - 33. Q "The Bridge from Chaos to Total Freedom" - (diagram). R The Auditor (extra) Scientology Expansion. S Affinity - Vol. 8, No. 3: Critics of Scientology. T H C O Ethics Order No. 3055 - 28/2/68. Reissued at St. Hill 18/3/68, to Editor, Truth. U1 Dianetics and Scientology - (short history and impinging document.) U2 "Dear Citizen" - Brochure and questionnaire from organisation secretary. U3 Envelope - prepaid (for return). V Code of Reform - 29/11/68. W Miscellaneous Actions - Report of Torts and General Reform Committee of New Zealand, February 1968. X1 Affidavit - K.E. O'Donnell, 31/5/68. X2 Affidavit - N.E. O'Donnell, (?) 1968. Y Freedom Scientology - No. 1, New Zealand. Z Freedom Scientology - No. 2, New Zealand. AA Letter (undated) Wednesday - A. Wright to Noel. AB Certificate, 11/3/69 - St. John's College, Hamilton, re N. O'Donnell.
LIST OF EXHIBITS - continued
Exhibit Details
AC Certificate, 12/3/69 - Sacred Heart Girl's College, Hamilton, re Erin O'Donnell. AD Certificate, 12/3/69 - St. Mary's Convent, Hamilton, re K.E. O'Donnell. AE Letter, 20/2/68 - V. Linklater - Mr and Mrs O'Donnell. AF H C O Ethics Order - 3056 Auckland, 20/2/68, re F.P. and S.M. O'Donnell.
Disconnecting Letters
AG 30/5/68 - D. Oostenberg - Mrs O'Donnell. AH 1 (Undated) - D. Compton - Mrs O'Donnell. 2 27/7/68 - D. Kirkby - Mrs O'Donnell. 3 24/7/68 - A. Alack - Mrs O'Donnell. 4 30/5/68 - D. Oostenberg - Mrs O'Donnell. 5 10/5/68 - J. Bath - Mrs O'Donnell. 6 22/5/68 - Al. Morgan - Mrs O'Donnell. 7 3/5/68 - Eva Breska - Mrs O'Donnell. 8 22/5/68 - Al. Morgan - Mrs O'Donnell. 9 11/6/68 - Pat Bloomberg - Mrs O'Donnell. 10 6/6/68 - Pat Brice - Mrs O'Donnell. 11 22/2/68 - C. Stevens - Mr and Mrs O'Donnell. 12 22/2/68 - D. Schoall - Mrs O'Donnell. 13 22/2/68 - S. Stevens - Mrs O'Donnell. 14 14/3/68 - R.F. Mitcheson - Mr and Mrs O'Donnell. 15 "5" N.E. O'Donnell to my father and all those concerned. 16 Undated N.E. O'Donnell to my mother and all those concerned. AI Freedom Scientology - No. 1, New Zealand. AJ Freedom Scientology - No. 2, New Zealand. AK The Times, Hamilton - 8/11/68, extract. AL Scientology Press Release - 8/11/68, re P. Williams. AM Disconnecting Letters to P. Williams from R. Compton, A.L. Morgan, and V. Linklater. AN H C O Ethics Order 707 - 22/8/66, re P.A. Williams. AO Letter, 11/2/68 - Erin to Mum and Dad. AP Disconnecting Letter "3" undated - E. O'Donnell to Mrs Whiting. AQ H C O Ethics Order - 3054 Auckland 19/2/68, re Mrs Whiting. AR Letter, 20/2/68 - V. Linklater - Mrs Whiting.
Disconnecting Letters to Mrs Whiting
From- AS 23/2/68 - G. Schoall. AT 22/2/68 - S. Stevens. AU 14/3/68 - R. Mitcheson. AV 21/3/68 - O. Kirby. AW 23/4/68 - K.J. and K. Geddes. AX "2" (undated) - C. Stevens. AY Oxford Capacity Analysis, 10/3/69 - G.H. Shanely.
Letters- AZ 1/11/60 - L. Mooring (Scientologist) - Del. BA 24/10/62 - L. Polaschek (Scientologist) - Del. BB 25/2/65 - T. Morgan (Scientologist) - Mrs D. Morris. BC 1/7/66 - M. Parsons (Scientologist) - Mrs D. Morris. BD 6/7/66 - St. Hill (P. Hill-Murray) - Mrs D.F. Morris. BE 11/4/67 - C. Schuerman (Letter Registrar) - Del Morris. BF 12/5/67 - J. Watson (Letter Registrar) - Mrs D. BG 22/5/67 - E. Horley-Smith (Scientologist) - Del. BH Costs of Scientology Treatment for Del Morris - Copy of Statement, Sheet 8. BI Letter, 8/8/67 - Del - Dad. BJ Disconnecting Letter (undated) - A.P. Sateford - R. Gallagher. BK HCO Ethics Order 702 - 22/8/66. BL Letter, 10/8/66 - A. Jackson (Ethics Officer) - Mr Gallagher. BM Disconnecting Letter, 18/5/? - Barry to Mum and Dad. BN Disconnecting Letter, 15/5/68 - Barry to Gail.Letters- BO 30/7/68 - H. Clark (Public Ethics Officer - Barry. BP 21/7/68 - B. Robertson (for letter Registrar A.O.) - Barry Chamberlin. BQ 29/7/68 - J. Lawrie - Barry Chamberlin. BR 12/5/? - J.H.W. and B.M. Chamberlin - Barry. BS ACO Ethics Order (copy) - re - Mr Boric. BT Freedom Scientology, No. 2, New Zealand - "Rough Deal". BU Directors and Secretaries (Scientology) - Extract from particulars of (by Assistant Registrar of Companies, Wellington). BV "Staff Photos", New addresses and notices - July 1964, Vol. 5, No. 7. BW Press Release - Scientology, 8/11/68, re P. Williams. BX Press Release, 12/11/68 - Scientology, re - P.A. Williams. BY HCO Ethics Order (copy) - No. 4012, Aukland, 13/3/68. BZ Disconnecting Letter, 2/4/? - E. Martin - W. Brady. CA Disconnecting Letter, 2/4/68 - R. Mitcheson - W. Brady. CB Truth 20/2/68 - "Cult Clutch on Teens Forces Family Flight". CC Letter 1/10/65 - Erin - Jocelyn (a cousin). CD Letter, 6/11/65 - Erin - Jo. CE Letter (undated), (copy) - F. O'Donnell - Morris (permission for first stage). CF Affidavit 28/2/69 - F.P. and S.M. O'Donnell (lodged Magistrate's Court Hamilton). CG New Zealand Herald, 4/4/68 - Extract "Children now like Hitler Youth".
CH Affinity - (major), Vol. 9, No. 2: "The Mission of Scientology". CI Undated letter (copy): G. Bunn (Director of Clearing) - "Dear Scientologist" - Appointing Field Staff Members. CJ Circular: H. Alach (Chaplain) - "Dear Scientologist" - Advising speakers for coming services. CK Organisation Chart: World Wide Headquarters - Church of Scientology, England. CL Charges Scientology - List of 28/3/68 (2 pages). CM HCO Policy Letter, 23/4/68 - Issue III. Assent forms to processing from parent or guardian. CN HCO Bulletin, 30/6/68 - ARC Process. CO Affinity - Vol. 8, No. 1 - Marriage CP Vol. 9, No. 2 - "The Credo of a Good and Skilled Manager." CQ Vol. 9, No. 3 - (1) Amnesty. (2) Bridge from Chaos to Total Freedom. CR Vol. 9, No. 4 - Leadership. CS Vol. 8, No. 5 - The Five Conditions. CT Vol. 9, No. 6 - (Various). CU Vol. 10, No. 7 - The Scope of Scientology. CV Vol. 8, No. 8 - The Ethics of Scientology. Being a Scientologist. CW Vol. 8, No. 9 - They Myths of the Mind. CX Vol. 8, No. 10 - The Hope of Man. CY Vol. 9, No. 11 - Security Checks Abolished. CZ Vol. 8, No. 12 - Scientology Technology. DA Vol. 7, No. 3 - What is Greatness. DB Vol. 8, No. 10 - Contests and Prizes. DC Vol. 8, No. 11 - Artistic Presentation. DD Vol. 8, No. 12 - Petition. DE Bunn, H.G. - Scientology file of. DF Morris (Mrs D) - Scientology file of. DG O'Donnell, N.E. - Scientology file of. DH (1-28) HCO Ethics Orders. (29) HCO Policy Letter, 25/9/65. (30) HCO Policy Letter, 29/12/65. (31) HCO Policy Letter (vi), 18/10/67. (32) HCO Policy Letter (iv), 18/10/67. (33) Letter 18/2/69 - Hunter - W. McNeil. (34) HCO Bulletin, 30/6/62. DI HCO Ethics Orders - (1) 6456 A. Jackson, 19/3/69. (2) 4453 A. Jackson, 18/3/69. 4454 A. Jackson, 19/3/69. DJ HCO Policy Letter, 15/11/68 (UK) - Disconnecting Cancelled.
DK HCO Ethics Orders - (1) 4424 AK, 6/11/68 - Charles Brodie. (2) 4449, 28/2/69 - Court of Ethics convened. (3) 4409 AK, 15/10/68 - Executive Ethics Hearing convened. (4) 4410 AK, 15/10/68 - Ethics Hearing. DL HCO Policy Letter (UK). 1.9.Ad15 - Ethics Protection. DM HCO Policy Letters, 7/6/65 - Entheta letters and Dead File: Handling of. DN HCO Policy Letter, 23/12/65 - Suppressive Acts: Suppression of Scientology and Scientologists: The Fair Game Law. The Auditor - DO No. 14. DP No. 42. DQ Evening Post 16/10/68: (Extract) - Scientologists have right to investigate critics. DR Notice - Reward: $10,000 for information re libel and conspiracy. HCO Policy Letters DS 27/10/64 - Policies on Physical Healing, Insanity, and "Troublesome Sources". DT 17/3/65 - Justice, Fair Game Law, Organisational Suppressive Acts, and the Source of the Fair Game Law. DU 18/10/67 - Penalties for Lower Conditions (Orgs and Sea Org). DV 23/10/67: Enemy Formula. DW 21/7/68: Penalties for Lower Conditions (Orgs and Sea Org). DX The Auditor, No. 44 (1969) - The Value of Scientology. DY HCO Policy Letters (UK) 16/10/68 - Condition of treason. DZ Newspaper (Unknown), 15/11/68 - Scientology talks about "killings". EA 26/3/69 letter - Hubbard - Commission re Cancellation of Disconnection. EB File of Scientology (34 documents). EC Booklet - Introduction to Scientology Ethics. ED Affinity - minor: Dianetics. EE United States Court of Appeal - Scientology v. U.S.A.: Decision of, 5/2/69.
Last updated 3 July 1997
Page maintained by Martin Poulter (plmlp@mail.bris.ac.uk)