By Warrant dated 3 February 1969, we the undersigned GUY RICHARDSON POWLES and ERIC VERNON DUMBLETON were appointed to report under the terms of reference stated in that Warrant.
We were originally required to present our report by 30 April 1969, but this date was later extended to 30 June 1969.
We now submit our report for consideration.
We have the honour to be Your Excellency's most obedient servants,
GUY POWLES, Chairman.
E. V. DUMBLETON, Member.
Dated at Wellington this 30th day of June 1969.
Commission of Inquiry into Scientology
ARTHUR PORRITT, Governor-General
To all unto whom these presents shall come, and to:
ERIC VERNON DUMBLETON, Retired Newspaper Editor:
WHEREAS it is considered expedient that inquiry should be made into the working of existing law and the necessity expediency of any legislation in respect of certain activities, methods, and practices of the Hubbard Scientology Organisation in New Zealand or any associated Scientology organisations or bodies in New Zealand:
Now, therefore, pursuant to the Commissions of Inquiry Act 1908, I, Sir Arthur Espie Porritt, Baronet, the Governor-General of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, hereby appoint you, the said Sir Guy Richardson Powles and Eric Vernon Dumbleton to be a Commission to inquire into and report upon:
(1) The working of existing law and the necessity and expediency of any legislation in respect of the activities, methods, and practices of the Hubbard Scientology Organisation in New Zealand or any associated Scientology organisations or bodies in New Zealand in so far as those activities, methods and practices may
(a) Cause or contribute to estrangements in family relationships;(2) Such other matters as may be brought to the notice of the Commission or initiated by it which the Commission considers relevant to its functions as defined in paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of clause (1) hereof:(b) Affect the custody or control of children and persons under the age of 21 years;
(c) Result in persons who have severed their connection with Scientology or any Scientology organisation or body, or any other persons, being subjected to improper or unreasonable pressures of any kind by Scientologists or any Scientology organisation or body.
Provided that the foregoing terms of reference shall not extend to or include any inquiry into the philosophy, teachings, or beliefs of Scientology or Scientologists except in so far as those matters may in the opinion of the Commission be necessary to facilitate its inquiry into the matters referred to in paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of clause (1) and (2) hereof:
And with the like advice and consent I do further appoint you, the said Sir Guy Richardson Powles, to be Chairman of he said Commission:
And for the better enabling you to carry these presents into effect you are hereby authorised and empowered to make and conduct any inquiry under these presents, in accordance with the Commissions of Inquiry Act 1908, at such times and places as you consider expedient, with power to adjourn from time to time and place to place as you think fit, and so that these presents shall continue in force and the inquiry may at any time and place be resumed although not regularly adjourned from time to time or place to place:
And you are hereby strictly charged and directed that you shall not at any time publish or otherwise disclose except to me in pursuance of these presents or by my direction, the contents or purport of any report so made or to be made by you or any evidence or information obtained by you in exercise of the powers conferred upon you except such evidence and information as is received in the course of a sitting open to the public:
And it is hereby declared that you have liberty to report your proceedings and recommendations under this commission from time to time if you shall judge it expedient so to do:
And, using all due diligence, you are required to report to me in writing under your hands not later than the 30th day of April 1969 your findings and opinions on the matter aforesaid, together with such recommendations as you think fit to make in respect thereof.
Given in Executive Council under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General this 3rd day of February 1969.
P. J. BROOKS, Clerk of the Executive Council.
ARTHUR PORRITT, Governor-General
To all to whom these presents shall come, and to:
ERIC VERNON DUMBLETON, Retired Newspaper Editor:
WHEREAS, pursuant to the Commissions of Inquiry Act 1908, by Order in Council dated the 3rd day of February 1969* you were appointed to be a commission to inquire into and report upon certain matters relating to the Hubbard Scientology Organisation in New Zealand or any associated Scientology organisations or bodies in New Zealand and matters incidental thereto:
And whereas that commission was by the said Order in Council required to submit its report not later than the 30th day of April 1969:
And whereas it is expedient that the time for so reporting should be extended as hereinafter provided:
Now, therefore, I, Sir Arthur Espie Porritt, Baronet, the Governor-General of New Zealand, acting pursuant to the Commissions of Inquiry Act 1908, and by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, hereby extend until the 30th day of June 1969 the time within which you are so required to report, without prejudice to the continuation of he liberty conferred upon you by the said Order in Council to report your proceedings and recommendations from time to time if you should judge it expedient so to do, and hereby confirm the said Order in Council and the commission thereby constituted, save as modified by these presents.
Given in Executive Council under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General this 28th day of April 1969.
P. J. BROOKS, Clerk of the Executive Council;
* Gazette, 3 February 1969, p. 159
Last updated 21 February 1997
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