A collection of critical writings on
L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology and Dianetics
Africa, Clear Continent - Scientology tries to take over South Africa
Bodies in Pawn - Clams, Marcabs and Galactic Invader Forces
Hysterical Radiation and Bogus Science - L. Ron Hubbard's scientific howlers
Narconon and Scientology - Drug reformers or Scientology front? An in-depth investigation
Piercing the corporate veil - The truth behind Scientology's baffling corporate structure
Scientology's fight for apartheid - The secret history of racism in Scientology
Scientology versus the IRS - The unresolved questions of Scientology's tax exemption
Dianetics - Martin Gardner on the rise and fall of Dianetics
El-Ron of the City of Brass - L. Sprague de Camp on Hubbard the writer
LRH the man - A.E. van Vogt on Hubbard the person
Scientology's Relationship With Eastern Religious Traditions - by Professor Stephen A. Kent
Wonder's Child - Jack Williamson on John W. Campbell and Dianetics
Yes, There Was A Book Called Excalibur by L. Ron Hubbard - Arthur J. Burks
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Last updated 3 November 1997
by Chris Owen (chriso@lutefisk.demon.co.uk)