Unanswered questions about the agreement
The following are some questions that I've come up with about the
IRS/Co$ tax decision. Granted, some of these questions are fantasy
questions, likely never to be answered because of IRS confidentiality
and suchlike. Please feel free to add your own questions as well.
- How much did IRS originally estimate was the Co$ tax liability?
- Where did the $12.5 mil figure come from?
- How many lawsuits had been filed against IRS (this is in the missing
exhibits to the agreement)?
- How frequent is the use of a 906 agreement (which settles
*everything*)? It's believed that this is very infrequently used.
- Has IRS made any moves to extend the extraordinary tax provision it
granted to Co$ for "fixed donations" to other groups? Are there any
internal IRS documents discussing this? (I'd like to see this because
an estimate of the tax hit if they let this donation get out would be
enormous, I do believe.)
- Has the Church Tax Compliance Committee paid any fines in violation
of this agreement? If so, how much were the fines, why were they
levied and who paid them?
- Are there any figures out there as to how much money individual
Scientologists, as a group, were able to deduct from their taxes as a
result of this exemption?
- Was there any internal discussion at IRS about the possibility that
the deduction granted only to Co$ could be a violation of the First
Amendment Establishment Clause? If so, can we get those discussions?
- Have there been any meetings of the CTCC and the IRS since the
inception of this agreement? If so, where are the records and who
were the participants and what was discussed?
- What was the mechanism by which IRS notified Co$ of any lawsuits
regarding this agreement? Did IRS notify Co$ of any FOIA requests as
well? If so, what did they tell Co$?
- What is in the separate "Settlement Agreement"?
- Who were the five signatories for the church organizations on the
last page of the agreement?
- What is the implications for other religions that charge fixed fees
for donations?
- Did the Co$ dissolve WISE? If not, why not? (It's my belief that
they probably dissolved WISE and reincorporated it, but the
incorporation documents would state it.) Or, as it was suggested to
me, it could indicate a later adjustment to the agreement...
- Have there been adjustments to this closing agreement?

Last updated 4 January 1998
by Chris Owen (chriso@lutefisk.demon.co.uk)