I. | Equilibrium Potential |
II. | Membrane Potential |
III. | The Action Potential |
IV. | The Fast Sodium Channel |
V. | The Delayed Rectifier |
VI. | Voltage-Gated Channel Parameters |
First, reset the simulator. If you are running from source code using Matlab, type "hhsim" again in the Matlab Command Window. (Don't hit the green Run button, and make sure the simulator is stopped before you type "hhsim" in the Command Window). If you're instead running a stand-alone executable version of the simulator, just kill the application and start it again.
Turn off the yellow and green plots in the main window by selecting "-" in their respective pulldown menus. Set the cyan (light blue) plot to "I_leak", the leakage current. I_leak is equal to the flow of current through the passive channels. By looking above and below the cyan pulldown menu, you will see that the scale of the I_leak plot ranges from -0.05 to 0.05 pico-Amp. Display the Membrane and Channels windows as well. In the Channels window, turn off the two voltage gated channels (pink buttons) so that only the three passive channels (green buttons) are functional. Note that the membrane voltage (red line) rises from its previous level of roughly -62 mv to a new level of around -48 mv. The simulator stops when the membrane voltage is close to asymptote. To get an exact resting value, click the yellow Nudge button a few times until the value displayed for Vm stops changing. The rise in Vm shows that at the normal resting potential, some voltage-gated channels as well as leak channels were open. When the voltage-gated channels are disabled, the only open channels are the leak channels, and resting membrane voltage rises. Since membrane current must be 0 at Vrest, the leak current (blue line) is zero.