A California Not For Profit Corporation duly existing and lawfully conducting business
in the state of California for charitable purposes ~ 2008.
3525 Del Mar Heights Road # 163
San Diego, CA 91230
United States
ph: 858-232-9055
fax: 310-388-0175
alt: 310-598-6577
Meridian Sciences Organization for Wellness and Treatment was founded by a group of scientists and geophysicists committed to the treatment of terminal illnesses through sucessful recognized Eastern Medicine.
To date we have clinically diagnosed the digression and/or complete recovery from (1) Pancreatic Cancer, (2) Prostate Cancer, (3) Colon Cancer, and even treatment for remission in (4) H.I.V. and A.I.D.S.
Meridian Sciences, is a nanotechnology company focused on improving the immune functions in human body through a natural water catalyst called “Life Crystal” that naturally stimulates and actually “triggers” the body’s immune system.
In a recent clinical trial, 9 patients blood were analyzed over a 45 day period while drinking the Life Crystal. The results were startling with 8 out of 9 showing dramatic improvements in their immune system function.
The Company has commenced the largest human trial ever conducted by a homeopathic research institute in conjunction with a host of nonprofit organizations presently focused on research in Aids, Cancer, Alzheimer’s, Lupus and Parkinson’s diseases, among others.
We invite you to explore this newly discovered but ancient secret—a nano size cluster of H2O natural water clusters we believe may be the “transistor” of life appropriately called the “Life Crystal”.
3788 Oakdale Ave., Pasadena, CA 91107
, Tel 626-229-9818; 626-616-9586 (M);
e-mail: ideaclinic@yahoo.com
Ph.D., Physics,
University of Chicago,
Chicago, Illinois, USA, 1966
B.S., Highest Distinction in the Department of Physics, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, USA, 1962
Director, Quantum Health Research Institute, 2005- present
Professor of Research in Chinese Medicine, American
University of Complementary Medicine, Los Angeles, 2003-present
Founder, and Chairman of World Life physics Association, 2006
Executive Vice President, American Technologies Group, Monrovia, CA USA, 1992 to May 2000
Visiting Faculty member, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA USA, 1994 to 1998
CEO, Institute for Boson Studies, Pasadena, CA USA, 1987-1992
Senior Lecturer (1977-1986), Tenured Lecturer (1975-1977), Fixed Term Lecturer (1972-1975), University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
University Fellow,
University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK, 1969-1972
Research Fellow, Rutherford High Energy Laboratory, Chilton, UK, 1966-1969
Institute for Theoretical Physics,
Academy of Science,
Beijing, China, 1986
Stanford Accelerated Center, California, USA, 1985
Department of Physics, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 1983
Department of Physics, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 1981-1982
Institute of High Energy Physics, Being, China, 1979-1980
Institute of Theoretical Physics, State University of New York at Stonybrook, New York, USA, 1978
Institute of Theoretical Physics, Berlin University, West Berlin, Germany, 1977
Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark
Department of Physics,
University of Prince Edward Island,
Charlottetown, P.E.I.,
Fellow of Australian Institute of Physics
Marquis Who’s Who in the World, 1999 – present
Marquis Who’s Who in
America, 1996 – present
Marquis Who’s Who in Science and Engineering, 1994 – present
Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Fellow of Australian Physical Society
Graduate Level Quantum Field Theory, Particle Physics, Mathematical Physics, and General Relativity
Advised four Ph.D. and six M.S. students of physics
Undergraduate Level First year: General Physics
Advanced year: Quantum Mechanics, Electromagnetic Theory, Classical Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Advanced Quantum Mechanics, Advanced Electricity and Magnetism, Statistical Mechanics, Particle Physics
First year organizer: For three years, organized all laboratory and tutorial materials for over one thousand first year physics students
Columnist at Acupuncture Today: bi-monthly column since June 2003.
Lo, S.Y., Cai, X., Liu, B.H., and Matheys, J.P., Partition Temperature and e + e - Annihilation, Europhysics Lett. V6: 19-23, 1988
Li, Yang-Guo, and Lo, S.Y., Proton Nucleus Collision,
Long RangeCorrelation and Pion
Condensation, High Energy Phys. and Nucl. Phys., VII 717-719, 1987
Li, Yang-Guo, and Lo, S.Y., Long-Range Correlation Single-Particle Spectrum and Pion
Condensation, in Proton-Nuclear Scattering , Nuovo Cim. 98: 539-549, 1987
Lo, S.Y., Massless Model for Multi Particle Production and Pion Condensation, Phys. Lett. B186: 416 420, 1987
Lo, S.Y., and Schreiber, A., Coherent Pions as the Origin of Excessive Soft Photons in Hard Collisions, Phys. Lett. B181: 475, 1986
Lam, C.S., and Lo, S.Y., Induced Production of Bosons and its Application to Centauro Events, Intern. J. Mod. Phys. VI: 451, 1986
Lam, C.S., and Lo, S.Y., Mechanism for Coherent Production of Pions from the Decay of Resonances, Phys. Rev. D33: 1336-1343, 1986
Li, Yang-Guo, and Lo, S.Y., The Influence of D-Wave on High Energy p-D Elastic Scattering, Physica Energie Fort is et Physica Nucleolar 8: 497-501, 1984
Li, Yang-Guo, and Lo, S.Y., Particle Ratios at pp at Ultra-High Energies, Aust. J. Phys. 225-262, 1984
Lam, C.S., and Lo, S.Y., Mechanism for Bunching of Bosons in High Energy Collisions, Phys. Rev. 52: 1184-1187, 1984
Chew, C.K., Liang, T.Y., and Lo, S.Y., Particle Ratios at pp Collider, Phys. Rev. D20: 1003-1006, 1983
Lo, S.Y., and Li, Yang-Guo, Transverse Momentum Spectrum of Inclusive Reaction in Geometrical Picture, Phys. Rev. D28: 2756-2761, 1983
Lo, S.Y., and Li, Yang-Guo, A Unified Approach to Elastic Scattering and Inclusive Spectrum in Geometrical Picture, Nuovo Cim. Lett. D39: 33-37, 1984
Lai, C.H., and Lo, S.Y., and Phua, K.K., Possible Existence of Further Dip Structure on p and Kp Elastic Collisions, Phys. Rev. D27: 2214-2215, 1983
Lai, C.H., Lo, S.Y., and Phua, K.K., Determination of the Pion Form Factor at Larger Momentum Transfer Squared, Phys. Lett. B 122: 177-180, 1983
Lai, C.S., and Lo, S.Y., Alternative Formulation of the Interaction of Electromagnetic Radiation and Matter, Phys. Lett. 87A: 5-8, 1981
Desmond, P., and Lo, S.Y., Possible Tests of Meson as a Gauge Particle, Journal of Phys. G8: 319-332 , 1982
Lo, S.Y., and Chao, Wei-Gin, Nuovo Cim. 63A: 204-216, 1981
Lo, S.Y., Li, Y.I., and Lui, Y.P., Operator Formalism Geometrical Picture and Double
Charge Exchange, Journal of High Energy Phys. and Nucl.
Phys., China, 5: 653-663,
Chang, Cha-Hsi, and Lo, S.Y., Structure of Multiparticles in Quark Jets, Nuovo Cim. V31: 157-162, 1981
Malone, M.M., and Lo, S.Y., Operator Form of Droplet Model and Neutral Current, Nuovo Cim. 57A: 320-333, 1980
Lo, S.Y., Desmond, P., and Kovac, E., General Self Dual Non-Abelian Plane Wave, Phys. Lett. 90B: 419-421, 1980
Chew, C.J., Lo, H.D., Lo, S.Y., and Phua, K.K., Particle Ratios-Quarks and Chao-Yang Statistics, J. Phys. G6: 17-24, 1980
Clarke, D.J., and Lo, S.Y., Spin Structure of Proton-Proton Scattering in the Current-Current Interaction Pacture, Phys. Lett. 87B: 379-382, 1979
Kovacs, E., and Lo, S.Y., Self-Dual Propagating Wave Solutions in Yang-Mills Guage Theory, Phys. Rev. D19: 3649-3653, 1979
Lo, S.Y., and Melia, F., Static Quark Potential, Nuovo Cim. 50A: 90-96, 1979
Kovacs, E., and Lo, S.Y., Index Summery of Classical Yang-Mills Fields, Phys. Rev. D19: 2966 2973, 1979
Clarke, D., and Lo, S.Y., The Appearance of the Second Dip in pp Scattering, Phys. Rev. D20: 193-201, 1979
Box, M.A., Lo, S.Y., McKeller, B.H.J., and Reich, M., The Application of the Rayleigh-Gans Approximation to Scattering by Polydisperson, Quarterly J. of the Royal Meteor Soc. 104: 959-969, 1978
Chew, C.D., Lo, S.Y., and Phua, K.K., Suppression Factor in the Decays of the y Family,
Phys. Rev. 18: 2495, 1978
Kellett, B.H., Joshi, G.C., and Lo, S.Y., Factorization in the Central Region of Inclusive Reactions, Nuovo Cim. 47A:281-286, 1978
Melia, F., and Lo, S.Y., Linear Planar Wave Solutions of the Yang-Mills Theory, Phys.
Rev. 77B: 71-72, 1978
Lo, S.Y., and Chang, C.Y., Classification of Weakly Interacting Particles, Lett. Nuovo Cim. 22: 567-572, 1978
Kellett, B.H., Joshi, G.C., and Lo, S.Y., Factorization in Inclusive Reactions II, Nuovo Cim. 41A: 351-358, 1977
Kellett, B.H., Joshi, G.C., and Lo, S.Y., Factorization in Inclusive Reactions, Nuovo Cim. 41A: 331-350, 1977
Box, M.A., Lo, S.Y., McKellar, B.H.J., and Reich, M.H., Atmospheric Turbidity and the Circular Solar Radiations, Applied Optics 16: 341-344, 1977
Malone, M.M., and Lo., S.Y., Quark Fragmentation Models, Nuovo Cim. 46: 455-467,
Malone, M.M., and Lo, S.Y., Minimal Rule and Fragmentation Model, Phys. Rev. D16: 2184-2195, 1977
Lo, S.Y., Low, H.B., Phua, K.K., and
Chan, S.C., The Implication of Chou-Yang Model in p Elastic Scattering, Phys. Rev. D17: 802-805, 1978
Lo, S.Y., A Classical Solution, Lett. Nuovo Cim. 44A:187-190, 1978
Lo, S.Y., and Lai, C.S., Study of Energy Dependence in Geometrical Models, J. Phys, G3: 465-472, 1976
Lo, S.Y., Joshi, G.C., and Kellett, B., Quark Gluon Model for Total Cross Section, Lett. Nuovo Cim. 17: 535, 1976
Lo, S.Y., and Thulborn, E., Hadron Form Factors, Phys. Rev. D16: 2251-2255, 1976
Lo, S.Y., Possible Origin of Zwig’s Rule, Lett. Nuovo Cim. 17: 405-413, 1976
Box, M.A., and Lo, S.Y., Approximate Determination of Aerosol Size Distribution, Applied Meteorology 15: 1068-1076, 1976
Lo, S.Y., Fragmentation of Pion Near Phase Space Boundary, Nuovo Cim. 34A: 89-98, 1976
Lo, S.Y., On the New Quantum Number in Nieh-Wu-Yang’s Theory, Phys. Rev. D13: 184, 1976
Lo, S.Y., Possible Selection Rules for the Decays of J,y and J Phys. Rev. D11: 1358-1361, 1975
Lo, S.Y., Constraints of Disfavored Fragmentation, Phys. Rev. D11: 1358-1361, 1975
Lo, S.Y., Are Annihilations Processes Statistical? Nuovo Cim. V12: 542-544, 1975
Lo, S.Y., Phua, K.K., and Low, H.B., An independent Determination of SU(3) Couplings from Inclusive Reactions, Nuovo Cim. 30A: 221, 1975
Lo, S.Y., and Clarke, D., The Shift of Peaks and Dips of Elastic Scattering in Chou-Yang Model, Phys. Rev. D10: 1519-1526, 1974
Lo, S.Y., and Joshi, G., Factorization in Two Body Scattering, Nucl. Phys. 93: 405-415, 1975
Lo, S.Y., The Minimal Rule of Hadron Scattering, Lett. Nuovo Cim. 10:41-46, 1974
Lo, S.Y., and Noble, D., Study of K+p Inclusive Reaction at 10 Ge V/C, Nuovo Cim. 22A: 137-156, 1974
Lo, S.Y., Lai, C.S., and Noble, D., Gentle Fragmentation of Hadrons, Phys. Rev. D8: 1598-1602, 1973
Lo, S.Y., and Lai, C.S., Possible Consequences of Quark Model in Fragmentation Processes, Aust. J. Phys. 26: 291-299, 1972
Lo, S.Y., Selection Rules for Hadron Scattering, Lett. Nuovo Cim. V4: 262-266, 1972
Lo, S.Y., and Thompson, G.D., High Energy pp Scattering, Current-Current Interaction and Droplet Model, Lett. Nuovo Cim. V3: 223-226, 1972
Lo, S.Y., and Phua, K.K., Selection Rules for Inclusive Reactions, Phys. Lett. 38B: 415-418, 1972
Lo, S.Y., and Reid, A.W., pN Scattering in the Operator Droplet Model, Nucl. Phys. B36: 493-511, 1972
Lo, S.Y., The Forbidden Emission of Soft Pions at Asymptotic Energy, Lett. Nuovo Cim. V2: 1091-1095, 1971
Lo, S.Y., and Lai, C.S., Sum Rule for e -e + Annihilation and U(3) x U(3) Symmetry Breaking, J. Phys. A: 859-861, 1971
Lo, S.Y., and Lai, C.S., Symmetry Breaking Parameters under U(3) x U(3) and h-X mixing, Nuovo Cim. 4A: 198, 1971
Lo, S.Y., and Lai, C.S., Symmetry Breaking Under U(3) x U(3), Nuovo Cim. 4: 1037-1043, 1970
Lo, S.Y., The Factorization of Multipion Production, Lett. Nuovo Cim. 3: 555-558, 1970
Lo, S.Y., Chou-Yang Model, Current-Current Interaction and Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering, Nucl. Phys. B7: 286-300, 1970
Lo, S.Y., Zeros in the Droplet Model, Lett. Nuovo Cim. 2:124-126, 1969
Lo, S.Y., The Shape of Mesons, Nucl. Phys. 9B: 10-16, 1969
Lo, S.Y., The Neutron Form Factor, Phys. Lett. 27B: 308, 1968
Lo, S.Y., Field-Current Identity, Universality and K/13 Decay, Nucl. Phys. B7: 68-78
Lo, S.Y., Meson Production from Electron-Positron Annihilation, Phys. Rev. 148: 1431-1436
Lo, S.Y., and Freund, P.G.O., M(12) Prediction for PP Scattering, Phys. Rev. 140: B927-B928
Lo, S.Y., and Freund, P.G.O., Baryon-Antibaryon Scattering in the M(12) Symmetry Scheme, Phys. Rev. 140: B95-B96, 1965
Lo, S.Y., Sum Rules for Nonleptonic Weak Gamma-Ray of Baryons, Nuovo Cim. 37: 753-755, 1965
Review Papers:
Lo, S.Y., On the Accuracy of One Part in 1012 in Particle in Fields 2, Edited by Capri, A.Z. and Kamal, A.N., Plenum Press, 1983
Invited Papers:
Lo, S.Y., Paser, Pion Condensation and Centauro Events, Proceeding of International Symposium on Comic Ray Superhigh Energy Interactions, Oct. 29-Nov. 3, 1986, Beijing, China, I-26 to I-51
Papers Presented at Conferences:
Leverton, P., and Lo, S.Y., A Determination of Proton Form Factor up to q2=200 GeV2/c2, paper submitted to XXII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Leipzig, DDR, 1984
Lam, C.S., and Lo, S.Y., Induced Transitions of Pions and Unusual Charge Distribution, paper submitted to XXII International Conference on High Energy Physics,
Leipzig, DDR, 1984
Lam, C.S., and Lo, S.Y., Induced Production of Bosons and its Application to Centauro Events, paper submitted to XXII International Conference on High Energy Physics,
Leipzig, DDR, 1984
Li, Yang-Guo, and Lo, S.Y., Nucleus Elastic Scattering at Energies up to 104 TeV, paper presented at Asia-Pacific Physics Conference,
June 12-18, 1983
Li, Yang-Guo, and Lo, S.Y., The Role Multiple Scattering in Inclusive Reactions, paper delivered at Asia-Pacific Physics Conference,
June 12-18, 1983
Lo, S.Y., Propagating Waves in Yang-Mills Guage Theory, Proceedings of International Conference of Particle Physics, Guanzhou, China, 1125-1130, 1980
Lo, S.Y., Clarke, K.J., and Malone, M.M., Spin Structure and Dip Development in Elastic Proton-Proton Scattering, University of Melbourne preprint, UM-P-79/49, Proceedings of International Conference of Particle Physics, Guanzhou, China pp 813-831, 1980
Lo, S.Y., Stringent Limit on Direct Coupling of Electron and Hadron, Proceedings of the 6th AINSE Nuclear Physics Conference, Abstract only, 1976
Lo, S.Y., Fragmentation Processes at High Energy, Fifth AINSE Nuclear Physics Conference,
Australian National University,
Canberra, Paper 43, Abstract only, 1974
Lo, S.Y., Geometrical Picture of Hadron Scattering, Proceedings of 1978 International Meeting of Frontiers of Physics, Singapore, Edited by Phua, K.K., et al, pp 939-970, 1978
Lo, S.Y., Classical Chromodynamics (CCD) A Derivation of Heavy Quark Bound States, Proceedings. of 1978 International Meeting on Frontier of Physics, Singapore, Edited by Phua, K.K., et al, 971-976, 1978
Lo, S.Y., Remarks on Bounds, Multiplicities and Energy Dependence, Proceedings of Colloquium on High Multiplicities, pp I59, Edited by Krzywicke, A., et al, Laboratorie de Physique Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, 1970
Preprints and Unpublished Works:
Lo, S.Y., and Lai, C.S., Feynman’s Path Integral Formalism, Dirac Equation and Nonintegratable Phase Factor, University of Melbourne Preprint UM-P-81/73
Malone, M.M., and Lo, S.Y., Development of Dips and Peaks in Elastic Scattering at Isabelle Energies,
University of MelbournePreprint UM-P-79/27
Lo, S.Y., Media, F., Warner, R.C., and Joshi, G.C., Derivation of the Heavy Quark Bound States from Classical Chromodynamics, University of Melbourne Preprint, UM-P-78/77
Lo, S.Y., Low, H.D., Phua, K.K., and
Chan, S.C., Is the Asymptotic Value of the Ratio sT (pp)/ s (pp)=2/3 Sacred?
Box, M.A., Lo, S.Y., and MacKellar, B.H.M., Aerosol Parameter Determination from Turbidity Measurements using the Anomalous Diffraction Approximation, UM-P-76/3
Box, M.A., and Lo, S.Y., Tables of Turbidity Parameters for a Haze-H Aerosol,
University of MelbournePreprint UM-P-75/26
Lo, S.Y., Stringent Limit on Direct Coupling of Electron and Hadron,
University of MelbournePreprint UM-P-75/1
Lo, S.Y., A Model for Diffractive Excitation Processes, Rutherford Laboratory Preprint, RPP/A55,RPP/A 57, 1968
Lo, S.Y., The Path Approximation in Strong Interaction, Rutherford Laboratory Preprint RPP/A, 1966
Lo, S.Y., Electron as a Probe of Weak Interaction, Rutherford Laboratory Preprint RPP/14, 1966
Lo, S.Y., The Hypothesis of Spin-Unitary Sine,
Independencein Hadron Scattering and Reactions Processes, EFINS 66-67, 1966
Thomas, E.A., and Lo, S.Y., Scalar Mesons as Higgs Particles, UM-P-83/19
Publications on the Baser Project:
Tsao, C.C., Lobo, J.D., Okurmura, M., and Lo, S.Y., Generation of Charged Droplets by Field Ionization of Liquid He, submitted for publication
Lo, S.Y., Lobo, J.D., Blumberg, S., Dibble, T.S., Xu, Z., Tsao, C.C., and Okumura, M., Generation of Energetic He Atom Beams by a Pulsed Positive Corona Discharge, J. Appl. Phys. 81, Vol. 81: 5896-5904, 1997
Lo, S.Y., Highly Charged Superfluid Helium Cluster Beam, Int’l. J. Mod. Phys. B, Vol. 10: 713-727, 1996
Lo, S.Y., and Ruan, Tu-nam, Production of Coherent Bosons by Multiphoton Ionization Processes, submitted for publication
Lo, S.Y., and Ruan, Tu-nam, Enhancement of Nuclear Fusion Rate Among Coherent Bosons, submitted for publication
Lo, S.Y., and Ruan, Tu-nam, Quantum Stimulated Raman Scattering, accepted for publication in Communication in Theoretical Physics
Lo, S.Y., Enhancement of Nuclear Fusion in a Strongly Coupled Cold Plasma, Mod. Phys. Lett. B V16: 1207-1211, 1989
Publication on stable water clusters (IE )Projects and Medial physics:
Shui-yin Lo and Wenchong Li: Onsager’s Formula, Conductivity, and Possible New Phase Transition, Modern Physics letters B, V .13(1999) 885-893
Shui-yin Lo, Anomalous state of Ice, Modern Physics Lett B, V 10(1996) 909-919
Shui-yin Lo, A. Lo, W.C. Li, Li T.H., Li H. H., and Xu Geng, Physical properties of water with I E structures, Modern Physics Lett. B, v 10(1996) 921-930
Shui-yin Lo and B Bonavida: Proceedings of First Int. Sypm. Of Physical, Chemical, and Biological Properties of Stable Water (I E ) Clusters (World Scientific 1998)---Book
Shui-yin Lo and W. C. Li and S. H. Huang, Water clusters in Life, Medical Hypotheses (2000)v 54(6),948-953
Shui-yin Lo and W. C. Li, Nanostructures in very dilute aqueous solutions, Russian Mendelev Journal of Chemistry 541.6:54-145.3,p41-48
Shui-yin Lo, Stories of I E crystal, color picture books, 100 pages, unpublished
Shui-yin Lo, Biophysics Basis for Acupuncture and Health, Dragon Press, 2004, 285 pages.
Shui-yin Lo, Meridians in acupuncture and infrared imaging, Medical Hypotheses
(2001) v58, 72-76
Shui-yin Lo, Left and Right symmetry in acupuncture, Acupuncture Today, June, 2003
Shui-yin Lo, Diabetic and Infrared Imaging, Acupuncture Today, to be published in November, 2003
Shui Yin Lo, Evidence for Exponential decay behavior in Pain Relief by Acupuncture, Medical Acupuncture, 2007
Shui Yin Lo, Evidence and mechanism of external qi in Chinese Medicine, to be published in Medical Acupuncture
Conference Contributions:
Lo, S.Y., Nuclear Fusion in a Strongly Coupled Cold Plasma, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. V34 No. 9 2162, 1989
Lo, S.Y., Enhancement of Nuclear Fusion from Coherent Deuterons, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. V34, No. 8 1811, 1989
Internal Reports, MONTHLY REPORTS:
Monthly reports containing detailed theoretical and experimental progress carried out. Each monthly report has an average of seventy pages. Edited by Lo, S.Y.
2000, ATGPR-2000 to ATGPR-2003, three issues
1999, ATGPR-9901 to ATGPR-9912, twelve issues
1998, ATGPR-9801 to ATGPR-9812, twelve issues
1997, ATGPR-9701 to ATGPR-9712, twelve issues
1996, ATGPR-9601 to ATGPR-9612, twelve issues
1995, ATGPR-9501 to ATGPR-9512, twelve issues
1994, ATGPR-9407 to ATGPR-9412, six issues
Institute of Boson
1991, IBS-91-1 to IBS-91-7, seven issues
1990, IBS-90-1 to IBS-90-12, twelve issues
1989, IBS-89-1 to IBS-89-12, twelve issues
1988, IBS-88-1 to IBS-88-12, twelve issues
1987, IBS-87-9 to IBS-87-12, four issues
Lo, Shui-yin , Biophysics basis for acupuncture and health ( Dragon eye press) 2004
LO, Ip, J.S., Lo, S.Y., Wong, C.Y., Joy of the Search for Knowledge, A Tribute to Professor Dan Tsui, 1999
Lo, S.Y., Bonavida, B., First International Symposium of on the Current Status of the Physical, Chemical, and Biological Properties of Stable Water (IE) Cluster, edited by being published by World Scientific Publishing Co., Inc., 1997
Lo, S.Y., Scientific Studies of Chinese Character, by Guo Ming Newspaper Publishing Co., Beijing, China, in Chinese, 1987
Lo, S.Y., Geometrical Picture of Hadron Scattering, World Scientific Publishing
Singapore, 1986
Lo, S.Y., Unification in Physics, 400 typed pages, manuscript completed
Invented by Shui-Yin Lo: Three provisional
USpatents on medical devices and infrared imaging ,2001
Title | Application No. | Filing Date |
Improved Surfactant Solutions | US Patent 985,148 | December 4, 1997 |
Water Based Additive for Suppression of Coke Formation
| US Patent 985,145 | December 4, 1997 |
Water Based Fuel Additive that Reduces Carbon Deposition in Combustion Engines
| US Patent 985,144 | December 4, 1997 |
Methodology for Varying Concentrations of CrystalStructured Liquids
| US Patent 889,253 | July 10, 1997 |
Method, Process and Product for Influencing Chemical Reactions and Activities, Including Biochemical and Inorganic
| US Patent 846,964 | April 29, 1997 |
Growing Structure Around Charged Particles to Form a Structured Liquid and Increasing the Strength of the Structured Liquid | US Patent 799,645 | February 10, 1997 |
Structured Materials
| US Patent 699,972 | August 20, 1996 |
A Method for Generating Nuclear Fusion Through High Pressure
| US Patent 661,759 | June 11, 1996 |
Macroscopic Apparatus | US Patent 645,919 | May 14, 1996 |
Compact Vacuum Distillation Method | US Patent 638,608 | April 26, 1996
A Descalant Comprising Structure Liquid Solid | US Patent 587-880 | January 18, 1996 |
A Combustion Enhancing Fuel Additive Comprising Microscopic Water Structures
| US Patent 558,330 | November 15, 1995 |
Compact Vacuum Distillation Device | US Patent 530,789 | September 20, 1995 |
Enhancing Biological, Biochemical & Chemical Reactions Using Structured Liquids and Solids
| US Patent 520,636 | August 29, 1995 |
Macroscopic Apparatus | US Patent 320,216 | October 11, 1994
Forming Charges in a Fluid and Generation of a Charged Beam
| US Patent 177,669 | January 4, 1994 |
Emission Control Device (Air Intake System Device) | US Patent 941,778 | September 9, 1992 |
Method & Apparatus for Generating Nuclear Fusion Energy by Coherent Bosons
| US Patent 801,804 | December 1, 1991 |
Emission Control System | US Patent 554,279 | August 8, 1990
Method and Apparatus for Forming a Coherent Beam of Bosons with Mass
| US Patent 4,875,213 |
Forming Charges in Liquid and Generation of Charged Cluster
| US Patent 338,706 US Patent 537,444 | June 12, 1990 |
Enhanced Fusion Decay of Deuterium | US Patent 338,706 | April 12, 1990
Method and Apparatus for Generating Energy | US Patent 337,020 | April 22, 1989
Particle Accelerator | US Patent | May 4, 1989 |
| US Patent 542,587 | June 25, 1990 |
Creating Coherent Charged Bosons | US Patent 340,951 | April 20, 1989
Nuclear Fusion Process | US Patent 338,707 | April 13, 1989 |
| US Patent 421,601 | October 16, 1989
Production of Coherent Deuterons | US Patent 338,705 | April 14, 1988 |
| US CIP 340,051 | April 18, 1989 |
| US CIP 366, 890 | June 15, 1989
Method and Apparatus Utilizing Decay of Coherent Bosons Plasma | US Patent 338,706 US Patent 340,951 | April 13, 1989 October 16, 1989
Methods and Apparatus for Forming Coherent Clusters | US Patent 169/648 PCT AU 89/00108 | March 18, 1988 March 17, 1989
Method and Apparatus for Cooling Electrons, Ions or Plasma | US Patent 103,631 PCT AU88/00383 | October 1, 1987 September 30, 1988
Accelerator for Coherent Bosons | US Patent 4,926,436 | October 4, 1990
Method and Apparatus for Producing Nuclear Energy | US Patent 203,678 US Patent 338,706 | June 7, 1988 April 11, 1989 |
| US Patent 340,950 | April 20, 1989 |
| US Patent 461,014 | January 4, 1990
Electrical Conductor | US Patent 4,995,699 |
Generating a Coherent Beam of Bosons | US Patent 035,734 | August 23, 1987 |
| PCT AU 86/00212 | July 25, 1986 |
| US CIP 343,176 | April 25, 1989 |
The above patents and patent applications have also been filed in the European or Asian countries. Their listings have been omitted for simplicity.
3788 Oakdale Ave., Pasadena, CA 91107
, Tel 626-229-9818; 626-616-9586 (M);
e-mail: ideaclinic@yahoo.com
Ph.D., Physics,
University of Chicago,
Chicago, Illinois, USA, 1966
B.S., Highest Distinction in the Department of Physics, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, USA, 1962
Director, Quantum Health Research Institute, 2005- present
Professor of Research in Chinese Medicine, American
University of Complementary Medicine, Los Angeles, 2003-present
Founder, and Chairman of World Life physics Association, 2006
Executive Vice President, American Technologies Group, Monrovia, CA USA, 1992 to May 2000
Visiting Faculty member, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA USA, 1994 to 1998
CEO, Institute for Boson Studies, Pasadena, CA USA, 1987-1992
Senior Lecturer (1977-1986), Tenured Lecturer (1975-1977), Fixed Term Lecturer (1972-1975), University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
University Fellow,
University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK, 1969-1972
Research Fellow, Rutherford High Energy Laboratory, Chilton, UK, 1966-1969
Institute for Theoretical Physics,
Academy of Science,
Beijing, China, 1986
Stanford Accelerated Center, California, USA, 1985
Department of Physics, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 1983
Department of Physics, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 1981-1982
Institute of High Energy Physics, Being, China, 1979-1980
Institute of Theoretical Physics, State University of New York at Stonybrook, New York, USA, 1978
Institute of Theoretical Physics, Berlin University, West Berlin, Germany, 1977
Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark
Department of Physics,
University of Prince Edward Island,
Charlottetown, P.E.I.,
Fellow of Australian Institute of Physics
Marquis Who’s Who in the World, 1999 – present
Marquis Who’s Who in
America, 1996 – present
Marquis Who’s Who in Science and Engineering, 1994 – present
Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Fellow of Australian Physical Society
Graduate Level Quantum Field Theory, Particle Physics, Mathematical Physics, and General Relativity
Advised four Ph.D. and six M.S. students of physics
Undergraduate Level First year: General Physics
Advanced year: Quantum Mechanics, Electromagnetic Theory, Classical Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Advanced Quantum Mechanics, Advanced Electricity and Magnetism, Statistical Mechanics, Particle Physics
First year organizer: For three years, organized all laboratory and tutorial materials for over one thousand first year physics students
Columnist at Acupuncture Today: bi-monthly column since June 2003.
Lo, S.Y., Cai, X., Liu, B.H., and Matheys, J.P., Partition Temperature and e + e - Annihilation, Europhysics Lett. V6: 19-23, 1988
Li, Yang-Guo, and Lo, S.Y., Proton Nucleus Collision,
Long RangeCorrelation and Pion
Condensation, High Energy Phys. and Nucl. Phys., VII 717-719, 1987
Li, Yang-Guo, and Lo, S.Y., Long-Range Correlation Single-Particle Spectrum and Pion
Condensation, in Proton-Nuclear Scattering , Nuovo Cim. 98: 539-549, 1987
Lo, S.Y., Massless Model for Multi Particle Production and Pion Condensation, Phys. Lett. B186: 416 420, 1987
Lo, S.Y., and Schreiber, A., Coherent Pions as the Origin of Excessive Soft Photons in Hard Collisions, Phys. Lett. B181: 475, 1986
Lam, C.S., and Lo, S.Y., Induced Production of Bosons and its Application to Centauro Events, Intern. J. Mod. Phys. VI: 451, 1986
Lam, C.S., and Lo, S.Y., Mechanism for Coherent Production of Pions from the Decay of Resonances, Phys. Rev. D33: 1336-1343, 1986
Li, Yang-Guo, and Lo, S.Y., The Influence of D-Wave on High Energy p-D Elastic Scattering, Physica Energie Fort is et Physica Nucleolar 8: 497-501, 1984
Li, Yang-Guo, and Lo, S.Y., Particle Ratios at pp at Ultra-High Energies, Aust. J. Phys. 225-262, 1984
Lam, C.S., and Lo, S.Y., Mechanism for Bunching of Bosons in High Energy Collisions, Phys. Rev. 52: 1184-1187, 1984
Chew, C.K., Liang, T.Y., and Lo, S.Y., Particle Ratios at pp Collider, Phys. Rev. D20: 1003-1006, 1983
Lo, S.Y., and Li, Yang-Guo, Transverse Momentum Spectrum of Inclusive Reaction in Geometrical Picture, Phys. Rev. D28: 2756-2761, 1983
Lo, S.Y., and Li, Yang-Guo, A Unified Approach to Elastic Scattering and Inclusive Spectrum in Geometrical Picture, Nuovo Cim. Lett. D39: 33-37, 1984
Lai, C.H., and Lo, S.Y., and Phua, K.K., Possible Existence of Further Dip Structure on p and Kp Elastic Collisions, Phys. Rev. D27: 2214-2215, 1983
Lai, C.H., Lo, S.Y., and Phua, K.K., Determination of the Pion Form Factor at Larger Momentum Transfer Squared, Phys. Lett. B 122: 177-180, 1983
Lai, C.S., and Lo, S.Y., Alternative Formulation of the Interaction of Electromagnetic Radiation and Matter, Phys. Lett. 87A: 5-8, 1981
Desmond, P., and Lo, S.Y., Possible Tests of Meson as a Gauge Particle, Journal of Phys. G8: 319-332 , 1982
Lo, S.Y., and Chao, Wei-Gin, Nuovo Cim. 63A: 204-216, 1981
Lo, S.Y., Li, Y.I., and Lui, Y.P., Operator Formalism Geometrical Picture and Double
Charge Exchange, Journal of High Energy Phys. and Nucl.
Phys., China, 5: 653-663,
Chang, Cha-Hsi, and Lo, S.Y., Structure of Multiparticles in Quark Jets, Nuovo Cim. V31: 157-162, 1981
Malone, M.M., and Lo, S.Y., Operator Form of Droplet Model and Neutral Current, Nuovo Cim. 57A: 320-333, 1980
Lo, S.Y., Desmond, P., and Kovac, E., General Self Dual Non-Abelian Plane Wave, Phys. Lett. 90B: 419-421, 1980
Chew, C.J., Lo, H.D., Lo, S.Y., and Phua, K.K., Particle Ratios-Quarks and Chao-Yang Statistics, J. Phys. G6: 17-24, 1980
Clarke, D.J., and Lo, S.Y., Spin Structure of Proton-Proton Scattering in the Current-Current Interaction Pacture, Phys. Lett. 87B: 379-382, 1979
Kovacs, E., and Lo, S.Y., Self-Dual Propagating Wave Solutions in Yang-Mills Guage Theory, Phys. Rev. D19: 3649-3653, 1979
Lo, S.Y., and Melia, F., Static Quark Potential, Nuovo Cim. 50A: 90-96, 1979
Kovacs, E., and Lo, S.Y., Index Summery of Classical Yang-Mills Fields, Phys. Rev. D19: 2966 2973, 1979
Clarke, D., and Lo, S.Y., The Appearance of the Second Dip in pp Scattering, Phys. Rev. D20: 193-201, 1979
Box, M.A., Lo, S.Y., McKeller, B.H.J., and Reich, M., The Application of the Rayleigh-Gans Approximation to Scattering by Polydisperson, Quarterly J. of the Royal Meteor Soc. 104: 959-969, 1978
Chew, C.D., Lo, S.Y., and Phua, K.K., Suppression Factor in the Decays of the y Family,
Phys. Rev. 18: 2495, 1978
Kellett, B.H., Joshi, G.C., and Lo, S.Y., Factorization in the Central Region of Inclusive Reactions, Nuovo Cim. 47A:281-286, 1978
Melia, F., and Lo, S.Y., Linear Planar Wave Solutions of the Yang-Mills Theory, Phys.
Rev. 77B: 71-72, 1978
Lo, S.Y., and Chang, C.Y., Classification of Weakly Interacting Particles, Lett. Nuovo Cim. 22: 567-572, 1978
Kellett, B.H., Joshi, G.C., and Lo, S.Y., Factorization in Inclusive Reactions II, Nuovo Cim. 41A: 351-358, 1977
Kellett, B.H., Joshi, G.C., and Lo, S.Y., Factorization in Inclusive Reactions, Nuovo Cim. 41A: 331-350, 1977
Box, M.A., Lo, S.Y., McKellar, B.H.J., and Reich, M.H., Atmospheric Turbidity and the Circular Solar Radiations, Applied Optics 16: 341-344, 1977
Malone, M.M., and Lo., S.Y., Quark Fragmentation Models, Nuovo Cim. 46: 455-467,
Malone, M.M., and Lo, S.Y., Minimal Rule and Fragmentation Model, Phys. Rev. D16: 2184-2195, 1977
Lo, S.Y., Low, H.B., Phua, K.K., and
Chan, S.C., The Implication of Chou-Yang Model in p Elastic Scattering, Phys. Rev. D17: 802-805, 1978
Lo, S.Y., A Classical Solution, Lett. Nuovo Cim. 44A:187-190, 1978
Lo, S.Y., and Lai, C.S., Study of Energy Dependence in Geometrical Models, J. Phys, G3: 465-472, 1976
Lo, S.Y., Joshi, G.C., and Kellett, B., Quark Gluon Model for Total Cross Section, Lett. Nuovo Cim. 17: 535, 1976
Lo, S.Y., and Thulborn, E., Hadron Form Factors, Phys. Rev. D16: 2251-2255, 1976
Lo, S.Y., Possible Origin of Zwig’s Rule, Lett. Nuovo Cim. 17: 405-413, 1976
Box, M.A., and Lo, S.Y., Approximate Determination of Aerosol Size Distribution, Applied Meteorology 15: 1068-1076, 1976
Lo, S.Y., Fragmentation of Pion Near Phase Space Boundary, Nuovo Cim. 34A: 89-98, 1976
Lo, S.Y., On the New Quantum Number in Nieh-Wu-Yang’s Theory, Phys. Rev. D13: 184, 1976
Lo, S.Y., Possible Selection Rules for the Decays of J,y and J Phys. Rev. D11: 1358-1361, 1975
Lo, S.Y., Constraints of Disfavored Fragmentation, Phys. Rev. D11: 1358-1361, 1975
Lo, S.Y., Are Annihilations Processes Statistical? Nuovo Cim. V12: 542-544, 1975
Lo, S.Y., Phua, K.K., and Low, H.B., An independent Determination of SU(3) Couplings from Inclusive Reactions, Nuovo Cim. 30A: 221, 1975
Lo, S.Y., and Clarke, D., The Shift of Peaks and Dips of Elastic Scattering in Chou-Yang Model, Phys. Rev. D10: 1519-1526, 1974
Lo, S.Y., and Joshi, G., Factorization in Two Body Scattering, Nucl. Phys. 93: 405-415, 1975
Lo, S.Y., The Minimal Rule of Hadron Scattering, Lett. Nuovo Cim. 10:41-46, 1974
Lo, S.Y., and Noble, D., Study of K+p Inclusive Reaction at 10 Ge V/C, Nuovo Cim. 22A: 137-156, 1974
Lo, S.Y., Lai, C.S., and Noble, D., Gentle Fragmentation of Hadrons, Phys. Rev. D8: 1598-1602, 1973
Lo, S.Y., and Lai, C.S., Possible Consequences of Quark Model in Fragmentation Processes, Aust. J. Phys. 26: 291-299, 1972
Lo, S.Y., Selection Rules for Hadron Scattering, Lett. Nuovo Cim. V4: 262-266, 1972
Lo, S.Y., and Thompson, G.D., High Energy pp Scattering, Current-Current Interaction and Droplet Model, Lett. Nuovo Cim. V3: 223-226, 1972
Lo, S.Y., and Phua, K.K., Selection Rules for Inclusive Reactions, Phys. Lett. 38B: 415-418, 1972
Lo, S.Y., and Reid, A.W., pN Scattering in the Operator Droplet Model, Nucl. Phys. B36: 493-511, 1972
Lo, S.Y., The Forbidden Emission of Soft Pions at Asymptotic Energy, Lett. Nuovo Cim. V2: 1091-1095, 1971
Lo, S.Y., and Lai, C.S., Sum Rule for e -e + Annihilation and U(3) x U(3) Symmetry Breaking, J. Phys. A: 859-861, 1971
Lo, S.Y., and Lai, C.S., Symmetry Breaking Parameters under U(3) x U(3) and h-X mixing, Nuovo Cim. 4A: 198, 1971
Lo, S.Y., and Lai, C.S., Symmetry Breaking Under U(3) x U(3), Nuovo Cim. 4: 1037-1043, 1970
Lo, S.Y., The Factorization of Multipion Production, Lett. Nuovo Cim. 3: 555-558, 1970
Lo, S.Y., Chou-Yang Model, Current-Current Interaction and Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering, Nucl. Phys. B7: 286-300, 1970
Lo, S.Y., Zeros in the Droplet Model, Lett. Nuovo Cim. 2:124-126, 1969
Lo, S.Y., The Shape of Mesons, Nucl. Phys. 9B: 10-16, 1969
Lo, S.Y., The Neutron Form Factor, Phys. Lett. 27B: 308, 1968
Lo, S.Y., Field-Current Identity, Universality and K/13 Decay, Nucl. Phys. B7: 68-78
Lo, S.Y., Meson Production from Electron-Positron Annihilation, Phys. Rev. 148: 1431-1436
Lo, S.Y., and Freund, P.G.O., M(12) Prediction for PP Scattering, Phys. Rev. 140: B927-B928
Lo, S.Y., and Freund, P.G.O., Baryon-Antibaryon Scattering in the M(12) Symmetry Scheme, Phys. Rev. 140: B95-B96, 1965
Lo, S.Y., Sum Rules for Nonleptonic Weak Gamma-Ray of Baryons, Nuovo Cim. 37: 753-755, 1965
Review Papers:
Lo, S.Y., On the Accuracy of One Part in 1012 in Particle in Fields 2, Edited by Capri, A.Z. and Kamal, A.N., Plenum Press, 1983
Invited Papers:
Lo, S.Y., Paser, Pion Condensation and Centauro Events, Proceeding of International Symposium on Comic Ray Superhigh Energy Interactions, Oct. 29-Nov. 3, 1986, Beijing, China, I-26 to I-51
Papers Presented at Conferences:
Leverton, P., and Lo, S.Y., A Determination of Proton Form Factor up to q2=200 GeV2/c2, paper submitted to XXII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Leipzig, DDR, 1984
Lam, C.S., and Lo, S.Y., Induced Transitions of Pions and Unusual Charge Distribution, paper submitted to XXII International Conference on High Energy Physics,
Leipzig, DDR, 1984
Lam, C.S., and Lo, S.Y., Induced Production of Bosons and its Application to Centauro Events, paper submitted to XXII International Conference on High Energy Physics,
Leipzig, DDR, 1984
Li, Yang-Guo, and Lo, S.Y., Nucleus Elastic Scattering at Energies up to 104 TeV, paper presented at Asia-Pacific Physics Conference,
June 12-18, 1983
Li, Yang-Guo, and Lo, S.Y., The Role Multiple Scattering in Inclusive Reactions, paper delivered at Asia-Pacific Physics Conference,
June 12-18, 1983
Lo, S.Y., Propagating Waves in Yang-Mills Guage Theory, Proceedings of International Conference of Particle Physics, Guanzhou, China, 1125-1130, 1980
Lo, S.Y., Clarke, K.J., and Malone, M.M., Spin Structure and Dip Development in Elastic Proton-Proton Scattering, University of Melbourne preprint, UM-P-79/49, Proceedings of International Conference of Particle Physics, Guanzhou, China pp 813-831, 1980
Lo, S.Y., Stringent Limit on Direct Coupling of Electron and Hadron, Proceedings of the 6th AINSE Nuclear Physics Conference, Abstract only, 1976
Lo, S.Y., Fragmentation Processes at High Energy, Fifth AINSE Nuclear Physics Conference,
Australian National University,
Canberra, Paper 43, Abstract only, 1974
Lo, S.Y., Geometrical Picture of Hadron Scattering, Proceedings of 1978 International Meeting of Frontiers of Physics, Singapore, Edited by Phua, K.K., et al, pp 939-970, 1978
Lo, S.Y., Classical Chromodynamics (CCD) A Derivation of Heavy Quark Bound States, Proceedings. of 1978 International Meeting on Frontier of Physics, Singapore, Edited by Phua, K.K., et al, 971-976, 1978
Lo, S.Y., Remarks on Bounds, Multiplicities and Energy Dependence, Proceedings of Colloquium on High Multiplicities, pp I59, Edited by Krzywicke, A., et al, Laboratorie de Physique Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, 1970
Preprints and Unpublished Works:
Lo, S.Y., and Lai, C.S., Feynman’s Path Integral Formalism, Dirac Equation and Nonintegratable Phase Factor, University of Melbourne Preprint UM-P-81/73
Malone, M.M., and Lo, S.Y., Development of Dips and Peaks in Elastic Scattering at Isabelle Energies,
University of MelbournePreprint UM-P-79/27
Lo, S.Y., Media, F., Warner, R.C., and Joshi, G.C., Derivation of the Heavy Quark Bound States from Classical Chromodynamics, University of Melbourne Preprint, UM-P-78/77
Lo, S.Y., Low, H.D., Phua, K.K., and
Chan, S.C., Is the Asymptotic Value of the Ratio sT (pp)/ s (pp)=2/3 Sacred?
Box, M.A., Lo, S.Y., and MacKellar, B.H.M., Aerosol Parameter Determination from Turbidity Measurements using the Anomalous Diffraction Approximation, UM-P-76/3
Box, M.A., and Lo, S.Y., Tables of Turbidity Parameters for a Haze-H Aerosol,
University of MelbournePreprint UM-P-75/26
Lo, S.Y., Stringent Limit on Direct Coupling of Electron and Hadron,
University of MelbournePreprint UM-P-75/1
Lo, S.Y., A Model for Diffractive Excitation Processes, Rutherford Laboratory Preprint, RPP/A55,RPP/A 57, 1968
Lo, S.Y., The Path Approximation in Strong Interaction, Rutherford Laboratory Preprint RPP/A, 1966
Lo, S.Y., Electron as a Probe of Weak Interaction, Rutherford Laboratory Preprint RPP/14, 1966
Lo, S.Y., The Hypothesis of Spin-Unitary Sine,
Independencein Hadron Scattering and Reactions Processes, EFINS 66-67, 1966
Thomas, E.A., and Lo, S.Y., Scalar Mesons as Higgs Particles, UM-P-83/19
Publications on the Baser Project:
Tsao, C.C., Lobo, J.D., Okurmura, M., and Lo, S.Y., Generation of Charged Droplets by Field Ionization of Liquid He, submitted for publication
Lo, S.Y., Lobo, J.D., Blumberg, S., Dibble, T.S., Xu, Z., Tsao, C.C., and Okumura, M., Generation of Energetic He Atom Beams by a Pulsed Positive Corona Discharge, J. Appl. Phys. 81, Vol. 81: 5896-5904, 1997
Lo, S.Y., Highly Charged Superfluid Helium Cluster Beam, Int’l. J. Mod. Phys. B, Vol. 10: 713-727, 1996
Lo, S.Y., and Ruan, Tu-nam, Production of Coherent Bosons by Multiphoton Ionization Processes, submitted for publication
Lo, S.Y., and Ruan, Tu-nam, Enhancement of Nuclear Fusion Rate Among Coherent Bosons, submitted for publication
Lo, S.Y., and Ruan, Tu-nam, Quantum Stimulated Raman Scattering, accepted for publication in Communication in Theoretical Physics
Lo, S.Y., Enhancement of Nuclear Fusion in a Strongly Coupled Cold Plasma, Mod. Phys. Lett. B V16: 1207-1211, 1989
Publication on stable water clusters (IE )Projects and Medial physics:
Shui-yin Lo and Wenchong Li: Onsager’s Formula, Conductivity, and Possible New Phase Transition, Modern Physics letters B, V .13(1999) 885-893
Shui-yin Lo, Anomalous state of Ice, Modern Physics Lett B, V 10(1996) 909-919
Shui-yin Lo, A. Lo, W.C. Li, Li T.H., Li H. H., and Xu Geng, Physical properties of water with I E structures, Modern Physics Lett. B, v 10(1996) 921-930
Shui-yin Lo and B Bonavida: Proceedings of First Int. Sypm. Of Physical, Chemical, and Biological Properties of Stable Water (I E ) Clusters (World Scientific 1998)---Book
Shui-yin Lo and W. C. Li and S. H. Huang, Water clusters in Life, Medical Hypotheses (2000)v 54(6),948-953
Shui-yin Lo and W. C. Li, Nanostructures in very dilute aqueous solutions, Russian Mendelev Journal of Chemistry 541.6:54-145.3,p41-48
Shui-yin Lo, Stories of I E crystal, color picture books, 100 pages, unpublished
Shui-yin Lo, Biophysics Basis for Acupuncture and Health, Dragon Press, 2004, 285 pages.
Shui-yin Lo, Meridians in acupuncture and infrared imaging, Medical Hypotheses
(2001) v58, 72-76
Shui-yin Lo, Left and Right symmetry in acupuncture, Acupuncture Today, June, 2003
Shui-yin Lo, Diabetic and Infrared Imaging, Acupuncture Today, to be published in November, 2003
Shui Yin Lo, Evidence for Exponential decay behavior in Pain Relief by Acupuncture, Medical Acupuncture, 2007
Shui Yin Lo, Evidence and mechanism of external qi in Chinese Medicine, to be published in Medical Acupuncture
Conference Contributions:
Lo, S.Y., Nuclear Fusion in a Strongly Coupled Cold Plasma, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. V34 No. 9 2162, 1989
Lo, S.Y., Enhancement of Nuclear Fusion from Coherent Deuterons, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. V34, No. 8 1811, 1989
Internal Reports, MONTHLY REPORTS:
Monthly reports containing detailed theoretical and experimental progress carried out. Each monthly report has an average of seventy pages. Edited by Lo, S.Y.
2000, ATGPR-2000 to ATGPR-2003, three issues
1999, ATGPR-9901 to ATGPR-9912, twelve issues
1998, ATGPR-9801 to ATGPR-9812, twelve issues
1997, ATGPR-9701 to ATGPR-9712, twelve issues
1996, ATGPR-9601 to ATGPR-9612, twelve issues
1995, ATGPR-9501 to ATGPR-9512, twelve issues
1994, ATGPR-9407 to ATGPR-9412, six issues
Institute of Boson
1991, IBS-91-1 to IBS-91-7, seven issues
1990, IBS-90-1 to IBS-90-12, twelve issues
1989, IBS-89-1 to IBS-89-12, twelve issues
1988, IBS-88-1 to IBS-88-12, twelve issues
1987, IBS-87-9 to IBS-87-12, four issues
Lo, Shui-yin , Biophysics basis for acupuncture and health ( Dragon eye press) 2004
LO, Ip, J.S., Lo, S.Y., Wong, C.Y., Joy of the Search for Knowledge, A Tribute to Professor Dan Tsui, 1999
Lo, S.Y., Bonavida, B., First International Symposium of on the Current Status of the Physical, Chemical, and Biological Properties of Stable Water (IE) Cluster, edited by being published by World Scientific Publishing Co., Inc., 1997
Lo, S.Y., Scientific Studies of Chinese Character, by Guo Ming Newspaper Publishing Co., Beijing, China, in Chinese, 1987
Lo, S.Y., Geometrical Picture of Hadron Scattering, World Scientific Publishing
Singapore, 1986
Lo, S.Y., Unification in Physics, 400 typed pages, manuscript completed
Invented by Shui-Yin Lo: Three provisional
USpatents on medical devices and infrared imaging ,2001
Title | Application No. | Filing Date |
Improved Surfactant Solutions | US Patent 985,148 | December 4, 1997 |
Water Based Additive for Suppression of Coke Formation
| US Patent 985,145 | December 4, 1997 |
Water Based Fuel Additive that Reduces Carbon Deposition in Combustion Engines
| US Patent 985,144 | December 4, 1997 |
Methodology for Varying Concentrations of CrystalStructured Liquids
| US Patent 889,253 | July 10, 1997 |
Method, Process and Product for Influencing Chemical Reactions and Activities, Including Biochemical and Inorganic
| US Patent 846,964 | April 29, 1997 |
Growing Structure Around Charged Particles to Form a Structured Liquid and Increasing the Strength of the Structured Liquid | US Patent 799,645 | February 10, 1997 |
Structured Materials
| US Patent 699,972 | August 20, 1996 |
A Method for Generating Nuclear Fusion Through High Pressure
| US Patent 661,759 | June 11, 1996 |
Macroscopic Apparatus | US Patent 645,919 | May 14, 1996 |
Compact Vacuum Distillation Method | US Patent 638,608 | April 26, 1996
A Descalant Comprising Structure Liquid Solid | US Patent 587-880 | January 18, 1996 |
A Combustion Enhancing Fuel Additive Comprising Microscopic Water Structures
| US Patent 558,330 | November 15, 1995 |
Compact Vacuum Distillation Device | US Patent 530,789 | September 20, 1995 |
Enhancing Biological, Biochemical & Chemical Reactions Using Structured Liquids and Solids
| US Patent 520,636 | August 29, 1995 |
Macroscopic Apparatus | US Patent 320,216 | October 11, 1994
Forming Charges in a Fluid and Generation of a Charged Beam
| US Patent 177,669 | January 4, 1994 |
Emission Control Device (Air Intake System Device) | US Patent 941,778 | September 9, 1992 |
Method & Apparatus for Generating Nuclear Fusion Energy by Coherent Bosons
| US Patent 801,804 | December 1, 1991 |
Emission Control System | US Patent 554,279 | August 8, 1990
Method and Apparatus for Forming a Coherent Beam of Bosons with Mass
| US Patent 4,875,213 |
Forming Charges in Liquid and Generation of Charged Cluster
| US Patent 338,706 US Patent 537,444 | June 12, 1990 |
Enhanced Fusion Decay of Deuterium | US Patent 338,706 | April 12, 1990
Method and Apparatus for Generating Energy | US Patent 337,020 | April 22, 1989
Particle Accelerator | US Patent | May 4, 1989 |
| US Patent 542,587 | June 25, 1990 |
Creating Coherent Charged Bosons | US Patent 340,951 | April 20, 1989
Nuclear Fusion Process | US Patent 338,707 | April 13, 1989 |
| US Patent 421,601 | October 16, 1989
Production of Coherent Deuterons | US Patent 338,705 | April 14, 1988 |
| US CIP 340,051 | April 18, 1989 |
| US CIP 366, 890 | June 15, 1989
Method and Apparatus Utilizing Decay of Coherent Bosons Plasma | US Patent 338,706 US Patent 340,951 | April 13, 1989 October 16, 1989
Methods and Apparatus for Forming Coherent Clusters | US Patent 169/648 PCT AU 89/00108 | March 18, 1988 March 17, 1989
Method and Apparatus for Cooling Electrons, Ions or Plasma | US Patent 103,631 PCT AU88/00383 | October 1, 1987 September 30, 1988
Accelerator for Coherent Bosons | US Patent 4,926,436 | October 4, 1990
Method and Apparatus for Producing Nuclear Energy | US Patent 203,678 US Patent 338,706 | June 7, 1988 April 11, 1989 |
| US Patent 340,950 | April 20, 1989 |
| US Patent 461,014 | January 4, 1990
Electrical Conductor | US Patent 4,995,699 |
Generating a Coherent Beam of Bosons | US Patent 035,734 | August 23, 1987 |
| PCT AU 86/00212 | July 25, 1986 |
| US CIP 343,176 | April 25, 1989 |
The above patents and patent applications have also been filed in the European or Asian countries. Their listings have been omitted for simplicity.
Dr. Shui Yin L
, Chairman and Chief Scientist, received his PhD in Physics from the
University of Chicago in 1966 and his Bachelor of Science in Physics
from the University of Illinois in 1962. Dr. Lo’s academic career
spans the globe as a visiting faculty member and lecturer at leading
institutions throughout the world including, the California Institute
of Technology; Academy of Science, Beijing, China; Stanford Accelerated
Center, California; Institute of Theoretical Physics, State University
of New York, Stony Brook, New York among others. Dr.
Lo is an accolade of Physics and through his 42 years of research has
invented a biologically friendly catalyst that interfaces with all
biological and chemical processes. Dr. Lo believes his invention
to be of equivalent particle, also isolated, became the center of
a line of research by the Department of Immunology at UCLA as a
stimulant of T-cells (human immune system), with more than 57 blind
studies all demonstrating dramatic significant improvements in immunal
ANDREW P. LEHMAN, J.D., as the acting president of the non-profit charitable corporation Andrew is a born leader, having studied Chemical Engineering at Texas Tech University, Grauduate Business at the University of Houston, and law at Southwestern College of Law in Los Angeles, CA, earning the titles of M.B.A., J.D.
Andrew finished law school ranked 2nd out of 132 students in his academic class
Andrew has been instrumental in the development and explansion of several successful Oil & Gas Companies in Texas, Nevada, and California, including Seminole Oil Company, Wilcat Oil & Gas, Energy Ventures, Inc, Oil & Gas Technology Fund, Inc, and others.....Additionally, Andrew has sucessfully started up other companies such as, www.legalformslawyer.com, www.thestarvinglawclerks.com,
Lehman Information Systems, and many others. see www.andrewlehman.com, www.andrewlehmanlaw.com
Andrew is a father of 2 and lives in Plano, TX, although Andrew works mostly from his office in Beverly Hills, CA.
Andrew is known for his work, and recognized in his trade, partially from Petitioning the Supreme Court of California to recognize the continuing tort 'equitable tolling period' of "Domestic Battery" in the context of the statute of limitations for civil suits. [published and referenced below]
Andrew's work has been recognized in the following published cases:
Securities and Exchange Commission, v. Raymond J. McNamee, 481 F.3d 451 (7th Cir. 2007).
Michelle Noel Pugliese v. Superior Court of Los Angeles, 146 Cal. App. 4th 1444; 53 Cal. Rptr. 3d 681; 2007.
Gomez v. Superior Court of Los Angeles[DISNEY], 35 Cal. 4th 1125 (2005).
Jim Scott has over 30 years' experience with successful marketing, brand building, national advertising, new product introductions, management of marketing and sales teams, and working with the financial investment community. Mr. Scott has founded and owned advertising and media production service companies in Houston, Texas, later in his career, Mr. Scott's marketing and advertising skills were sharpened with McCann Erickson USA. in New York, where he worked with established national brands such as RJ Reynolds, Mennen Products, Gillette, Lipton, General Foods and Coca-Cola Foods as a specialist in major branded consumer product promotions and new product introductions.
As a member of the New Mexico Bar Brendan operates effectively on behalf of the corporation as the of COunsel to the Corporation.
Brendan has worked with Andrew in development projects for several years.
Brendan graduated from Thomas Jefferson College of Law in San Diego, CA, and currently resides in San Diego, CA.
Compton Rom has a medical school education from the University of Michigan and a M.S. in Microbiology from Michigan State University. He also is a Certified Web Architect from IBM and uses both careers to run a successful online e-Business with top Google rankings.
3525 Del Mar Heights Road # 163
San Diego, CA 91230
United States
ph: 858-232-9055
fax: 310-388-0175
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