Source documents
Media Articles - 1990s

Last updated
8 January 2003
Contents > Source Documents > Media Articles - 1990s

Letters: Narconon speaker an asset to education

Boston Herald
March 7, 1998

It was with great dismay that I read the Herald's piece on the connection of Narconon and the Church of Scientology ("School ties," March 2). Bob Wiggins has spoken at Brooks School in North Andover six times in the past four years and not once have I heard the word "Scientology." Joseph Mallia also claims, "In fact, he never mentioned the word 'Scientology' or L. Ron Hubbard's name during the lectures." If that's the case, how is Narconon "recruiting" students?

Your premise is based on the notion that Mr. Wiggins and some other Narconon employees are Scientologists. Why can't Mr. Wiggins praise a technique that worked for him? It is difficult to find good speakers about drugs, who relate well to kids and give a solid message about the dangers and risks. Bob Wiggins is one of the best.

Raymond S. Broadhead,
Dean of Students,
Brooks School,
North Andover