Royal Couple Annoyed with Sect
Berlin Kurier (Germany)
April 7, 1998
Stockholm - Sweden's Royal Couple is in a clinch with a sect. In a propaganda film by Scientology, which is distributed all over the world, King Carl Gustaf and his wife Silvia appear as supporters of the sect program Narconon - without their permission.
Court information chief Elisabeth Tarras-Wahlberg is shocked. "The Royal Couple does not support this organization in any way. We have made contact with Scientology and demanded that the segment with the Royal Couple be edited out."
In the film, Sweden was presented as a country with many drug addicts and the highest rate of theft in the world. A speaker said to a picture of a the Royal Couple in a working session, "Even His Highness King Carl Gustaf has realized that Sweden has a solution for drug abuse. It is called Narconon." Mrs. Tarras-Wahlberg said, "The pictures are ten years old." Narconon Sweden, in the meantime, has apologized.