Scientology's Abusive Release Forms
Looking for the infamous Introspection
Rundown release form (the "Lisa McPherson clause")? Click here.
In November 2002, the ever-paranoid Church of Scientology Flag Service
Organization issued a new set of legal release forms that people are
required to sign before they can receive "services" from the church.
Scientology has been using such forms for decades; they are mentioned
in chapter
6 of Paulette Cooper's book, The
Scandal of Scientology. But the new versions give the church even
more power to abuse its parishioners at it discretion. One must
wonder whether such abusive terms might render the release invalid.
The cult also appears to be very fond of the word "ecclesiastical".
Below are scans of two of the new release forms. Two more can be found
here. I would like to
know if other Scientology churches have similar releases.
Why am I webbing these copyrighted forms? I'm doing it (1) so
that I and others can comment on their content, (2) so people can have
a chance to analyze the terms of these releases outside of the
high-pressure environment of a Scientology church, and (3) because
it's in the public interest to warn people about possible harmful
consequences of signing these forms. My reproduction of these forms
is consistent with the "fair use" provisions of US copyright law, 17 USC
I'm amazed that Scientology now apparently requires a signed release
form even to view the promotional film Orientation. What are
they afraid of? Answer: the next Lisa McPherson. The most
significant factor I can find on this form is the agreement that all
churches of Scientology are independent of each other and individually
responsible for their actions. This is what will allow Scientology to
gut a local church of resources if it gets sued (as they did with the
Church of Scientology of California after Wollersheim sued them), and
preclude the plaintiff from filing suit against any other tentacles of
the Scientology octopus. Of course, at the time they sign a release
to see Orientation, the average person would know nothing about
the intricate corporate organization of Scientology or the legal
implications of what they are agreeing to. Similarly for the
attestation that the "application of Scientology's Ethics and Justice
technology" is exclusively religious in nature, which I suppose is a
nice way of saying "arbitrary, capricious, and beyond the reach of
either logic or the courts."
click here for text version

Confidentiality of the Advanced Technology
Scientology really doesn't want anyone talking about Xenu the space alien or
what goes on in NOTs
auditing after they leave the cult. So they're making people sign
this confidentiality agreement to gag them for all time. Notice that
there is a $100,000 penalty for disclosing this "prorietary"
information! There's a lot more going on here, but the print is too
fine for me to struggle through. I'm looking forward to receiving
plain text versions of these pages so we can do a thorough legal
click here for text version

San Francisco Org Resolution
Some kind soul at the San Francisco Org (83 McAllister Street) sent me
some of their documents for inclusion on this web page. Here's the
resolution adopted May 16, 2001, authorizing staff members to co-sign

Religious Services Enrollment Application
This is a fun one: six pages of boilerplate that says "whatever
happens to you, it's entirely your own fault, not Scientology's fault,
so don't even think about suing us."
click here to view all six pages
click here to view as PDF
Spiritual Assistance: the Introspection Rundown
This one contains what some call "The Lisa McPherson Clause": the signer agrees
to involuntary imprisonment, and isolation from friends, family, and medical care,
at the discretion of their Scientology case supervisor. It's so horrible
that it had to have its own web page just to
explain all the history and ramifications. Also on that page is an agreement regarding
"Confidentiality of Files", which Scientology wants to use to cover up future crimes
like the death of Lisa McPherson.
All these documents contain repeated assertions that Scientology
really is a "religion". But does this paranoia and hyper-legalism
look like a respectable religion to you? It sure doesn't to me.
Return to the Secrets of Scientology web page.
Dave Touretzky
Last modified: Thu Dec 11 00:34:21 EST 2003