Computational Molecular Biology and Genomics Projects - Fall 06

[Deadlines] [Guidelines]

Students in 03-711 and 15-856 must complete a class project. The project can be a computational project or a literature survey.
Computational projects:   Computational projects will be carried out in groups of two to four people. Since interdisciplinary projects require a mix of knowledge and skills, groups should be diverse. Ideally, a group will include students from different departments and backgrounds. I will help to match up people with shared interests to form groups.
    Deliverables: A topic statement (1 page), a proposal (2-3 pages), a final oral presentation and an extended abstract summarizing work carried out and results obtained (3 pages). Total credit: 60 pts. Proposal: 15pts. Final paper and presentation: 45 pts.
Literature surveys:   Survey papers will be written individually.
    Deliverables: A topic statement (1 page), a proposal (3 pages), a final oral presentation and a final paper (10-15 pages). Total credit: 60 pts. Proposal: 15pts. Final paper and presentation: 45 pts.

Suggestions for topic areas and data sources are given in the pages linked below. You may also suggest a topic of interest to you, subject to approval by me. More than one project on the same topic is discouraged.


      Sep 28:  
Email statement of interest.
      Oct 12:   One paragraph statement of topic, listing group members.
      Oct 26:   1-3 page proposal/outline.  If I am concerned that your proposed approach contains a major stumbling block, I will ask you to revise it.
      Dec 5 and 7:   Presentations
      Dec 8:   Final paper due.

Guidelines for citations:

Guidelines for presentation style:

      Patrick Winston's lecturing heuristics

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Last modified: September 26, 05. Maintained by Dannie Durand (