An advanced introduction to theory and practice of phylogenetic analysis (evolutionary tree reconstruction), with a focus on molecular evolution. Basic concepts will be introduced in the context of a historical survey of phylogeny reconstruction. A comprehensive introduction to phylogenetic methods will be presented, including data selection, multiple sequence alignment, character state data versus distance matrices, sequence evolution models, and the four major approaches to phylogeny reconstruction: Parsimony, Distance matrix, Maximum likelihood, and Bayesian analysis. Sources of error and methods for assessing the reliability of phylogenetic inference will be discussed. We will cover additional topics as time allows, such as phylogenetic hypothesis testing, genome scale approaches, the interface between phylogenetics and population genetics, gene tree reconciliation, horizontal gene transfer, and phylogenetic networks.
Prerequisites: Modern Biology (03-121) or Permission of Instructor
Total units: 03-327: 9 units / 03-727: 12 units
Course work will include readings from textbooks and seminal
articles from the primary literature, problem sets, data analysis
practica, and a final exam. All reading materials will be provided
via the course website. You are not required to buy a text book.
Students in 03-727 will also carry out a major data analysis
project, intended to familiarize the student with the practical
application of principles taught in class. An in-class presentation
and a short paper summarizing the results of this project will be
Assignments are due in class on the due date.
In calculating your final score, I will drop
your the lowest grade of the homework assignments, but only
if all assignments have been submitted by the last day of
classes. This applies to problem sets only; not to practica.
Your scores on all practica will be included in the final grade.
The penalty for late homework is 10% per day. No late homework
will be accepted once graded homework has been returned to the class
and the solution set has been posted. Extensions will be granted
only in extraordinary circumstances (e.g., an extended illness).
There will be no "makeup" homework assignments.
Discussion of homework problems with other students is allowed, but
each student must prepare his or her own assignment. Students may
not copy any portion of a homework assignment from another student,
nor may they jointly prepare all or part of an assignment. An
example of acceptable collaboration would be the discussion of
strategies for a particular task, followed by each student carrying
out that strategy independently. Examples of unacceptable
collaboration are:
Course work
Grading policy
Due dates and late assignments
Collaboration on homework
You may consult textbooks, articles and websites while preparing your assignments. You should not follow a procedure described in such sources, unless you understand it well enough to explain it. You may not consult solution sets from previous years. Nor may you quote from any source without attribution.
All students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the Carnegie Mellon policies on Academic Integrity, Cheating, and Plagiarism,
and adhering to those policies . In order to deter and detect plagiarism, online tools and other resources may be used in this class.Exams are closed book. You may bring two 8.5"x11" pages (or one page, front and back) of your own notes. Bring a calculator. The final exam will be cumulative. You are responsible for all material covered during the semester.
The time and date of the final exam are determined by the registrar's office and are beyond my control. No student will be permitted to take the final exam early.
No student is required to take more than two scheduled examinations that start within a 25-hour period. If you have more than two final examinations scheduled within a 25-hour period or another examination scheduled at the same time as the exam for this course, please see me immediately to discuss how to resolve this conflict.
With the exception of the above, make-up exams will not be offered,
except in the case of documented illness or family emergency.