The Dv Project
The Dv project is developing the capability to provide heavyweight
services on computational grids of hosts connected by the best-effort
Our first target application is a remote visualization service for the
Quake project, a longterm
effort between Carnegie Mellon, UC-Berkeley, San Diego State
University, Southern California Earthquake Center, Pittsburgh
Supercomputing Center, and Kogakuin University in Tokyo. The Quake
project uses computers to predict the motion of the ground during
earthquakes. Our goal is to be able to generate
quake visualizations interactively and in real-time from simulation
data stored in remote datasets.
Julio López and David O'Hallaron, Evaluation
of a resource selection mechanism for complex network services, In Proceedings of the 10th symposium on High Performance Distributed
Computing (HPDC-10), August 2001. San Francisco, CA, USA. (ps)
- Julio López and David O'Hallaron,
Support for interactive heavyweight services,
Technical Report CMU-CS-01-104, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon
University, February, 2001.
abstract (with BibTex entry),
- Julio López and David O'Hallaron, Run-time support for adaptive
heavyweight services, In Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on
Languages, Compilers and Run-time systems (LCR 2000), May 2000,
Vol 1915 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlang,
Rochester, NY. pp. 221-234.
abstract (with BibTex entry),
powerpoint presentation,
quake animation.
- Martin Aeschlimann, Peter Dinda, Julio López,
Bruce Lowekamp, Loukas Kallivokas, and David
O'Hallaron, Preliminary Report on the
Design of a Framework for Distributed Visualization,
Proceedings of the International Conference on
Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and
Applications (PDPTA'99), June 1999, Las Vegas, NV, pp. 1833-1839.
abstract (with BibTex entry),
powerpoint presentation.
- Peter A. Dinda, Bruce Lowekamp, Loukas F. Kallivokas, and David
R. O'Hallaron, The Case For Prediction-based Best-effort Real-time
Systems, 7th International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed
Real-time Systems (WPDRTS 1999), Vol 1586 of Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, Springer-Verlag, San Juan, PR, 1999, pp. 309-318.
abstract (with BibTex entry),
- David O'Hallaron, "Dv: A toolkit for building remote visualization services",
Presented to the Center for Applied Scientific Computing, Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory, Sept, 1999.
html and powerpoint
- David O'Hallaron, "Dv: A toolkit for building remote visualization services",
Presented to the Engineering Research Center for
Computational Field Simulation, Mississippi State University, July, 1999.
html and powerpoint
Related projects
- Quake project: Earthquake ground motion modeling (CMU, Berkeley, SDSU, PSC)
- Remulac/Remos: Measuring and monitoring resources in computational grids (CMU)
- Darwin project: Application-aware networking (CMU)
Distinguished ex-Dv'ers
Dave O'Hallaron
Last modified: Wed Mar 14 20:16:49 EST 2001