My friend Charles is moving out of town
so he dropped off his California Dreamer for a tune-up.His basic complaints
were baggy grille cloth, too much noise in the reverb return circuit,
backwards bass control. Here's the amp with the front valence off. |
Here's the view from the back. Charles
got some nice reverb cables that dress well on their own. |
Here's the chasssis out of the box. Note
the close proximity and less-than-90-degree angle between the output
transformer and the reverb transformer. This was on the checklist
of things to adjust. |
Here's a basic gut shot. Notice the heater
pair going from the reverb return to the PI - dressed right over the
reverb tranny leads. And those leads themselves are too long and can
be tightened up. These heaters will be rewired. |
The fixed circuit. Notice how the new heater
leads from the reverb return to the PI are dressed way back. The reverb
transformer leads have been shortened and dressed away from anything
else. |
The adjusted trannies. Now the cores are
farther away and at right angles. |
Completed repairs. Valence is a replaced
and decorated with the logo of Charles' choice. |