Top Twelve Reasons Why Sex Is Like Taking A Qual Task
27-Nov-90 14:59 Ken.Lang@B.GP.CS.CMU.EDU Sex, Qual Tasks
- 12.
- There's a lot to read about it, but somehow you never seem to have
read the stuff that would've actually helped you in any way.
- 11.
- Afterwards, all you want to do is roll over and go to sleep.
- 10.
- Sometimes, you may think you did all right, but find out later you failed.
- 9.
- There's nothing worse than being interrupted in the middle of it.
- 8.
- If you're not careful, a month later you'll get a letter from the
Doctors telling you that you'll need remedial treatments for the next
four months.
- 7.
- Your first time, you approach it with great excitement and
anxiety,but it turns out it doesn't last nearly as long as you thought
it would.
- 6.
- Other times, it lasts far longer than you ever imagined it could.
- 5.
- It can keep you up all night long, but the next day you wonder if
it was really worth it.
- 4.
- For years afterwards, you feel like Roger Schank was watching you
the whole time you were doing it.
- 3.
- While doing it, you reach a level of concentration that you will
not reach doing anything else in your life.
- 2.
- Some people just get it over with as soon as possible, no matter how
sloppy, others take the time to make their output into a work of art.
and the number one reason:
- 1.
- After you're through, you feel sure you're screwed.