--- 293-03 0033b 4.5 ----------------------------------------------------- Selected-By: jonmon@cadence.com
The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:
> What did the Tibetan monk say to the hot dog vendor?
And in response, thus spake the Oracle:
} The most famous exchange between a lama and a hot dog vendor occurred } one block south of Times Square in July 1988. } } Hot Dog Vendor: What can I get for ya today? Footlong } with the works? I said, what can I get } for ya today? Hey, ya wanna hot dog or } not? Listen if yer not going to order } willya move on, I gotta business to run. } Stop starin' at me, man. And wipe that } silly grin off yer face. Say something, } dammit, yer givin' me the creeps. Hey, } I get it. Ya don't any English, do ya? } Uh, lessee, yo, uh, tengo los, uh, hot } dogs, uh, perros calientes. Okay, fine! } just stand there. See if I care. Just } don't scare away the customers. Jeez. } Forget it. Ya wanna Coke? Coca-cola? } I don't care where yer from, ya gotta } understand "Coca-cola". Coca-cola? } Stop smiling. People'll think yer up } to something. Hey, I got all-beefs, } beef-n-porks, turkey dogs, polish } sausage, and kielbasa. You can get } ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, relish, } pickles, or onions on them. I've got } plain and whole grain buns. I don't } care what you want, just order something } or leave. I'm serious, man, if you don't } go away, I'll call the cops and have them } arrest you for loitering. Jesus Christ, } will you stop staring at me! STOP IT! } At least blink once in a while. You're } driving me crazy! You wanna Coke? Wait, } no, I already tried that. Listen, man, } I'm serious, stop starin' and grinnin' at } me. I gotta gun under the counter. I'll } use it. I mean it. STOP STARING AT ME! } STOP IT! STOP IT! STOPITSTOPITSTOPIT! } YOU'RE DRIVING ME CRAZY! AAAAARGH! } STOPITSTOPITSTOPITSTOPIT! PLEASE LOOK } AWAY! HERE! OKAY! I'M MAKING YOU A } HOT DOG FOR FREE! TAKE IT! EAT IT! } JUST GO AWAY! STOPITSTOPITSTOPITSTOPIT! } YOU WANNA COKE? OKAY! HERE'S A COKE! } IT'S ON THE HOUSE! NOW PLEASE GO AWAY! } I CAN'T TAKE ANY MORE OF THIS! YOUR } EYES ARE DRIVING ME INSANE! PLEASE } STOPITSTOPITSTOPISTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOP! } } Then the lama widened his grin just enough to barely show } his teeth. At that moment the hot dog vendor was } enlightened. } } You owe the Oracle a better koan. And a new deli.