awn |
(bot.) a bristle.
horrent |
horripilation |
seta |
a bristle.
hispid |
rough with bristles.
glochis |
a spine or hair with a barbed tip.
aristate |
having thin bristles or spines.
hirtellous |
covered with tiny hairs.
strigose |
set with fine ridges, grooves, points, or bristles.
calvities |
crine |
buzzwig |
a bushy wig; its wearer; a bigwig.
pelage |
a mammal's fur, hair, or similar covering.
peruke |
a wig, esp. one of the sort worn in the 17th
and 18th centuries.
postiche |
additional, superfluous (as an ornament); counterfeit
or false; n. an imitation; a sham; a hairpiece.
penicil |
a brushlike tuft of hairs.
chaetotaxy |
the arrangement of bristles on an insect's exoskeleton.