embus |
to board a bus.
togate |
wearing a toga.
superciliary |
pertaining to the eyebrow.
deratize |
v.i. to exterminate rats from (a merchant vessel).
evitable |
papable |
suitable to become pope.
abdominous |
interrex |
one holding power during an interregnum.
torrefy |
to expose to fire or great heat; to roast (ores).
tepefy |
to make luke-warm.
monokini |
a topless bikini.
inenarrable |
unable to be narrated.
ampliate |
resile |
to spring back.
squush |
v.t. to squash; v.i. to squish.
grum |
grim; glum; surly.
glumpy |
(archaic) [from "glump", a glumpy person]
sthenic |
sturdy; heavily built.
feck |
(Scot.) efficacy; quantity; majority.
embacle |
a build-up of broken ice in a river.
debacle |
the breaking up of river ice.
opuscule |
a minor work.
vegetably |
in the manner of a vegetable.
bloodnoun |
a bullfrog, esp. /Rana catesbeiana/. Also,
|bloody noun|.
pickleworm |
a moth larva, /Diaphania nitidalis/, which bores
into the fruit and stem of cucurbitaceous plants.