anteater |
may refer to any of a number of ant-eating
mammals, mostly of the American tropics:
the ant bear or great anteater, /Myrmecophaga
jubata/, a large animal with elongated head
and snout; the silky or two-toed anteater,
/Cyclopes didactylus/, a rat-sized arboreal
creature with a prehensile tail; the
tamandua, /Tamandua tetradactyla/, fairly
similar except in having more toes; the
aardvark, /Orycteropus afer/, a large
burrowing African animal; the pangolin or
scaly anteater, /Pangolin ssp./, of Africa and
Asia, having overlapping horny scales; the
echidna or spiny anteater, /Tachyglossus
ssp./, of Australia; the banded anteater,
/Myrmecobius fasciatus/, an Australian
termite-eater which is now nearly extinct.