mawkish |
mildly nauseating; having a slight sickly
flavor. [< ME /mawk/ maggot]
myiasis |
infestation of tissue or body cavities by maggots.
maggot |
a fly larva; a whim.
whigmaleerie |
a whim; a fanciful contrivance.
nef |
(archaic) a table ornament in the form of a
silver or gold ship, sometimes holding utensils.
trangam |
"an odd gadget, gewgaw, trinket."
orra |
(Scot.) irregular, occasional, miscellaneous.
breloque |
a charm or trinket, esp. one on a watch chain.
bibelot |
a small item which is rare, attractive, or curious.
crank |
an eccentric notion; an exceptionally clever
play on words or turn of speech.
lumber |
useless miscellanea in storage; v.i. to become
useless; v.t. to make a disordered heap of; to
encumber with useless items; (North American)
sawn timber. [allegedly: articles which
burden one down, causing one to /lumber/