naked smut |
a fungal disease of cereal grasses which turns
affected heads into bare spore masses.
hardcore |
a mass of brickbats, small chunks of rubble, and the
like, used as fill beneath foundations, roads, etc.
sarcastic fringehead |
a clinid fish, /Neoclinus blanchardi/, whose
heads bears a row of fleshy protrusions
tribble |
(papermaking) a large frame strung with wires
on which paper is dried.
segregator |
(med.) an instrument for collecting the urine
excreted by one of the two kidneys.
mechanical twin |
(metall.) a crystalline twin formed under strain.
sewer pill |
a ribbed wooden ball which scrapes the walls
of the sewer through which it is floated.
pallet knife |
a small flat utensil for handling pastry paste.
kitchen police |
(mil.) soldiers assigned to assist in the kitchen.
time immemorial |
(Engl. law) time prior to the ascension of
Richard I (1189).