peri      in Persian mythology, one of a race descended from fallen angels, represented as beautiful and graceful.
hebetate to dull or blunt, often figuratively. also v.i., adj.
abulia (psychiat.) a lack of volition.
cacoe"thes an irresistible urge.
nona lethargic encephalitis.
velleity a wish without any effort to obtain its end.
sciamachy fighting a shadow.
ullage the amount by which a container fails to be full; the volume remaining in a container which has been partly emptied; (rocketry) the space left in a propellant tank for expansion, offgassing, etc.
tare the weight of a container or conveyance; to account for this in the gross weight.
agio allowance made for the differing values of currencies.
tret allowance for wastage.