alpenglow      a reddish glow seen on mountain summits shortly before sunrise or after sunset.
iceblink a yellow glow on the horizon or on the underside of clouds, due to reflection from sea ice.
snowblink a similar white glow, caused by snow.
launlaufer a cross-country skier.
skijoring a sport in which a skier is pulled over the snow, generally by a horse.
sitzmark a dent in the snow where a skier took a pratfall.
ne've' accumulated granular snow, compacting into glacial ice.
firn n'ev'e.
nisus impulse towards a particular goal.
nival growing in snow.
streek (Brit. dial.) to move rapidly; to fall prostrate; to lay a corpse out for burial; to stretch one's limbs; to reach out a hand; [wtf?]
lawine an avalanche.
rax (Scot.) to stretch, as after sleeping; to extend one's hand.