SCS Emigration Course
School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890

The SCS Emigration Seminars are a series of lectures and discussion sessions that focus on "grooming" you so you'll be ready to conquer the real world when you finish your Ph.D. The interwoven threads are Jobs, Money, Career Options, Intellectual Property, The Real World, Ethics, and Communication Skills. Unlike the Immigration course, which is held during the first three weeks of the school year, the Emigration course is spread over the entire academic year. While the topics of interest are chosen with the more senior students in mind, students in the entire School of Computer Science are encouraged and welcome to attend.

The next session...
The ever-popular and highly-demanded reprise talk...



Jeannette M. Wing

Head, Computer Science Department
Carnegie Mellon University

Friday, 2 December 2005
Wean Hall 5409 -- 3:00 PM
Refreshments will be served

Are you an SCS Ph.D. graduate student about to interview for a job in academia or industry? I'd like to share with our soon-to-be or newly-minted Ph.D.s some general tips on the interview process, including pre-interview preparation, the visit itself and job talk, and post-interview follow-up. I will leave ample time for discussion and questions.

⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ And another special program coming up December 6....



Roy Levin

Microsoft Research, Silicon Valley

Tuesday, 6 December 2005
Newell-Simon Hall 1305 -- 12:00 PM
Refreshments will be served

When I graduated from CMU, no one gave me much guidance in interviewing for a job, and I didn't have a good perspective about the differences between academic and industrial positions. Today, graduates seem to get better advice but they could still be better prepared when they go out to interview at research labs. In this informal talk, I'll compare academic and industrial research in computer science, discuss what research labs tend to look for when interviewing candidates, and explain how a candidate can make the most of the process.

Roy Levin joined Microsoft in August, 2001, to found the Silicon Valley Research lab. From 1996 until he joined Microsoft, Roy was Director of the Compaq's Systems Research Center in Palo Alto, California. Previously, he was a senior researcher in the Center since its founding in 1984 by Digital Equipment Corporation. During those years, he was a primary contributor and project leader for the Topaz programming environment and its micro-kernel operating system, the first to provide high-performance, light-weight process scheduling and inter-process communication on a multiprocessor workstation. He also was project leader and a primary contributor for Vesta, a software configuration management system embodying novel technology and tools for source control, version management, and building of large software systems.

Before joining Digital, Roy was a Principal Scientist at Xerox's Palo Alto Research Center. He was project co-leader and a principal developer of Cedar, an experimental programming environment for high-performance workstations. Cedar set the standard (c. 1982) for integrated programming environments for algol-tradition languages, incorporating significant advances in language technology, file systems, network communication (rpc), and user interfaces. Roy also was a co-developer of Grapevine, a landmark electronic mail system.

Roy received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Carnegie-Mellon University and his B.S. in Mathematics from Yale University. He is a member of the ACM, and a former chair of ACM SIGOPS. He is author or co-author of approximately 20 technical papers, books, and patents.

Upcoming Lectures:
Anastassia Ailamaki, Carnegie Mellon University

Past Lectures:
Ted Wong, IBM Almaden Research
Jeannette Wing, Anastassia Ailamaki, Carnegie Mellon Universitys
Scott Dietzen, BEA Systems (includes slides)
Kevin Dowling, Color Kinetics
Howard Gobioff and Erik Riedel, Google Inc and Seagate Technology
Roy Levin, Microsoft Research
Peter Shane, H. John Heinz III School of Public Policy and Management, Carnegie Mellon
Erik Riedel, HP Laboratories (includes slides)
Astro Teller, BodyMedia, Inc.
Jeannette Wing, School of Computer Science (includes slides)

School of Computer Science