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Machine Learning
10-701/15-781, Fall 2011Eric Xing School of Computer Science, Carnegie-Mellon University |
- Time: Monday and Wednesday from 10:30-11:50am
- Location: 7500 Wean Hall
- Recitations: Tuesdays 5-6:30 pm, NSH 1305
- Info about grading and textbooks.
- Info about the instructors and TAs.
- Lectures
- Recitations Schedule
- Information about course project
- Homeworks
- Final Exam date: Tuesday December 13th 1:00pm-4:00pm, Doherty Hall 2210. Please note that the location of the exam.
Homework 5 is now ready. It is due in class on 12/5. Download it here.
IMPORTANT: we are removing questions 3.1.7 and 3.2 from Homework 4. You will not be required to do them, and we will not grade them.
Homework 4 is now ready. It is due in class on 11/16. Download it here.
Midterm solutions are now on the website-Solution link.
Homework 4 will go out on Wednesday 11/2.
Homework 3 is now ready. It is due in class on 10/31. Download it here.
HW 1 solutions can be downloaded here.
HW2 is now ready; we have reduced the difficulty of questions based on student feedback. Latex sources are also available, but can only be downloaded from within CMU (e.g. campus wireless).
Late submissions for HW1: If you hand in your homework after Monday's class but before 10:30am on 10/4 Tuesday, you will be charged one late day. Please refer to our course Description for details.
The final exam date has been announced by the university. The final exam will be on December 13th from 1:00-4:00 pm. The location will be announced soon. Please plan your schedules accordingly.
When handing in homeworks, please split your writeup into 4 parts, one per question. This will facilitate grading by the TAs.
For the programming question in Homework 1, you can use any programming language of your choice. You will need to hand in the code (as a printout) when you submit your homework.
Homework 1 is now out. It is due in class on 10/3. Download it here.
Midterm date changed from Monday 10/24 to Wednesday 10/26. Individual rescheduling of the exam will not be possible.
- Class begins on Monday 9/12, see you in class!
If the class is fully subscribed, you
may want to consider the following options:
- Come to the first several lectures and see how the course develops. We will admit
as many students from the waitlist as we can, once we see how many
registered students drop the course during the first two weeks.
- Take the class when it is offered again in the Spring semester;
- Come to the first several lectures and see how the course develops. We will admit
as many students from the waitlist as we can, once we see how many
registered students drop the course during the first two weeks.
- The class mailing list is 10701-announce@cs. If you wish to email only the instructors, the email is 10701-instructors@cs
- If you are registered for the course, you have automatically been added to the mail group. If you are for some reason NOT receiving these announcements, you can subscribe via the 10701-announce list page
© 2010 Eric Xing @ School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
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