Probabilistic Graphical Models
Eric Xing School of Computer Science, Carnegie-Mellon University |
Homeworks and the exam may contain material that has been covered by papers and webpages. Since this is a graduate class, we expect students to want to learn and not google for answers.
Homeworks will be done individually:
each student
must hand in their own answers. It is acceptable, however, for
to collaborate in figuring out answers and helping each other solve the
problems. We will be assuming that, as participants in a graduate
course, you
will be taking the responsibility to make sure you personally
understand the
solution to any work arising from such collaboration. You also must
indicate on each homework with whom you
The final
project may be completed by small teams.
Final take home exam should be done individually, with no
discussions with other students.
If you feel that we have made an error in grading your homework,
please turn
in your homework with a written explanation to Monica
For project milestone, roughly half of the project work should be completed. A short, graded write-up will be required, and we will provide feedback.
Feel free to use the slides and materials available online here. Please email the instructors with any corrections or improvements.