=========================================================== T E M P L A T E S F O R R E L A T E D M E S S A G E S =========================================================== This file is a list of templates for e-mail messages related to ST Module. The system can handle related updates to the world model, if the user manually inputs them through the Radar console. These updates are not required for learning; that is, ST Module learns even if it does not receive such updates. -= Change of a room property =- THE OF IS : one of the room properties : reference to a specific room : description of a (possibly uncertain) value Example e-mails: I have checked the available equipment in Conference Room A of the Flagstaff hotel; it includes a built-in projector and two microphones. I believe that the description of the Phipps Room on the web is wrong, and it is almost twice smaller than specified. We thought that the seating capacity of the Costa auditorium was close to 400; however, we have just found out that part of the auditorium is under construction, separated by a wall, and the remaining space includes about 250 or 300 chairs. Note that its aesthetic quality is pretty low due to the construction. -= Change of a distance between rooms =- THE DISTANCE BETWEEN AND IS : set of rooms, such as an individual room or a building : another set of rooms : description of a (possibly uncertain) distance Example e-mails: Conference Room A and Conference Room B are right next to each other. On the other hand, Conference Room C is at the other end of the corridor, in about hundred yards from the other two. I have asked one of my grad students to check the distance between Stevers and Flagstaff. According to her, there is no straight path between these two buildings, and the walking distance is far greater than what could be concluded from the map. It took her about 10 or 15 minutes of a brisk walk. -= Addition or deletion of an event =- WE NEED TO ADD WE NEED TO CANCEL : reference to a specific conference event Example e-mails: The organizers of the Warp-Drive Workshop have asked to schedule a panel in the end of the workshop, which may include 20 or 30 attendees. Jean-Luc Picard has informed us that he is unable to attend the conference, and we have been unable to find a suitable replacement for an invited speaker, so we plan to cancel the third invited talk. -= Change of an event importance =- THE IMPORTANCE OF IS : reference to a specific event : (possibly uncertain) importance of the event Example e-mails: I wrote earlier that the Student Presentation Session is less important than the regular sessions; however, its attendance turned out unexpectedly high, and I now feel that finding a large comfortable room for this session is important, even if it means moving another session to one of the horrible basement rooms. I wish to note that satisfying all requirements related to the demos is extremely important. The sponsors plan to show off their new products during the demos, and their satisfaction with the demo setup may affect the funding of the next-year conference. -= Addition, deletion, or change of a preference =- REQUIRES DOES NOT REQUIRE REQUIRES INSTEAD OF : reference to a specific event : description of a preference, which may involve a room property, distance constraint, or temporal constraint Example e-mails: Note that we need two microphones, two overhead projectors, and a network connection for the Warp-Drive panel. Please disregard earlier requirements related to the room size for Technical Session 3. The attendance is very low, and the room size does not matter. We thought that we needed three microphones for Panel 2, but it turns out we need only two; in fact, one microphone is probably acceptable if we cannot find a second one. -= Change of a preference importance =- THE IMPORTANCE OF IS : reference to a specific preference : description of a (possibly uncertain) distance Example e-mails: The sponsors have told us that they do not really care about windows in the demo room. I feel that it is still nice to have a room with a view of the downtown, but it is not really important. Please make absolutely sure that the auditorium for the opening ceremony has at least four hundred seats, and preferably five hundred; this seating capacity is really, really essential.