================================= R E S C H E D U L I N G H I N T ================================= This file specifies the conditions for displaying the "reschedule" hint, that is, advising the user to invoke automated rescheduling. The display of this hint depends on the current score, last-rescheduling score, and recent changes to the world model. The system displays it in the following cases. () The user has not invoked rescheduling since starting the system. () The world model has changed after the last rescheduling, which may include changes to room properties, availability, event properties, preference functions, and weights. () The current schedule score is too low compared to the score after the last rescheduling. If the last-rescheduling score was "maxScore," and the acceptable score loss is "maximalLoss," then the current score is considered too low if it is below "maxScore - maximalLoss."