============================================= F U T U R E C O N S O L E F E A T U R E S ============================================= This file is a list of suggested future features of the Radar console, related to work on Space-Time Module and Space-Time GUI. -= To-do list =- The console should display a "to-do" list based on elicitation questions. The user should be able to view to-do items sorted by priority, remove to-do items, and make manual changes to their priority. Relevance: The display of to-do items is essential for elicitation learning. The option to make manual changes to priorities is less important. -= Distances =- The console should allow viewing and editing distances between rooms; it should allow the input of intervals for uncertain distances. Relevance: The editing of distances is essential for learning them through elicitation, which is about 20% of the overall elicitation learning. The input of intervals for uncertain distances is less important, but it would extend the system's learning abilities. -= Request and preference weights =- The console should allow specifying the importance of requests and specific preferences. As a special case, it should allow specifying that some preferences are irrelevant, i.e. have zero importance. It should also allow the input of intervals for uncertain weights. Relevance: The input of request and preference weights is essential for learning these weights, which is about 20% of the overall elicitation learning. The input of zero weights is essential for specifying which room properties are irrelevant. The input of intervals for uncertain weights is less important, but it would extend the system's learning abilities. -= Uncertain room properties =- The console should allow viewing and inputting intervals for uncertain room properties. For example, the user may specify that a room size is between 1500 and 2000 square feet. Relevance: This feature would allow learning of uncertain information; it is not essential for the experiments, but it would significantly extend the system's learning abilities. -= Uncertain event properties =- The console should allow specifying uncertain event properties. For example, the user may specify that the desired room capacity is not known exactly, but it is between 100 and 120 people. Relevance: This feature would allow learning of uncertain information; it is not essential for the experiments, but it would extend the system's learning abilities. -= Addition and deletion of requests =- The user should be able to add new requests and delete old requests. Relevance: This feature is needed if the list of conference events changes in the process of scheduling. -= Room availability =- The console should allow changing the times of room availability; that is, the user should be able to specify when a room is available for the conference. Relevance: This feature may be needed for negotiating room availability with other room users. -= Time preferences =- The console should allow specifying preferences among start times of an event. For example, the user may specify that the lunch can start between 11:30am and 1:00pm, but 12:00 noon is the most preferable. Relevance: This feature may help to generate better schedules, by providing more information about desirable start times. -= Relative-time preferences =- The console should allow specifying restrictions on relative times of events, such as "Event 1 should be before Event 2," "Event 1 should be immediately before Event 2," or "Event 1 should not overlap with Event 2." Relevance: This feature may help to generate better schedules, by providing more information about desirable start times.