Eugene Fink's research
I completed my Ph.D. in 1999, at
Mellon University, under supervision of
A. Simon and
Jaime G. Carbonell.
For my dissertation, I worked on machine learning and automated problem
solving in the
Prodigy research
project (which has nothing to do with the
on-line service). From 1999 to 2003, I was an assistant professor in
Computer Science and Engineering
Department at the
University of South
Florida. In December 2003, I became a systems scientist at
Mellon University.
Identification of both known and surprising patterns in
massive databases (2004-2006)
- RADAR (2004-2008)
Identification of uncertainty in the available data and
planning of proactive data gathering (2007-2009)
Kevin Pratt (M.S. in 2001); see thesis
abstract, PDF
thesis, or defense talk
Josh Johnson (M.S. in 2001); see thesis
abstract, PostScript thesis, PDF
thesis, or defense talk
Savvas Nikiforou (M.S. in 2002, with University Best M.S. Thesis Award);
see thesis abstract, PostScript
thesis, PDF thesis,
or defense talk
Jenny Hu (M.S. in 2002); see thesis
abstract, PostScript thesis, PDF
thesis, or defense talk
Jianli Gong (M.S. in 2002); see thesis
abstract, PostScript thesis, PDF
thesis, or defense talk
Hong Tang (M.S. in 2003); see thesis
abstract, PostScript thesis, PDF
thesis, or defense talk
John Hershberger (M.S. in 2003); see thesis
PostScript thesis, PDF
thesis, or defense talk
Rohan V. Malkhare (M.S. in 2004); see thesis
abstract, PostScript thesis, PDF
thesis, or defense talk
Harith Suman Gandhi (M.S. in 2004); see thesis
abstract, PostScript thesis, PDF
thesis, or defense talk
Glorious past
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