Gluster setup notes
Initial configuration
- 2 compute nodes will serve as the initial Gluster servers
- 1 compute node will serve as the initial Gluster client
- Following successfull installation; all nodes will be configured as clients
- Packages are provided for 64-bit platforms only
- Packages build cleanly from source for 32-bit Centos 5
Installation steps
- Download source from
- Build packages
- wget
- Install dependencies: yum install flex fuse-devel libibverbs-devel
- Build the packages: rpmbuild -ta glusterfs-2.0.8.tar.gz
- Copy the packages out of /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/
- glusterfs-client-2.0.8-1.i386.rpm
- glusterfs-common-2.0.8-1.i386.rpm
- glusterfs-devel-2.0.8-1.i386.rpm
- glusterfs-server-2.0.8-1.i386.rpm
- Servers
- Install fuse on all gluster servers: yum -y install fuse fuse-libs
- Install Gluster rpms on all servers: rpm -Uvh gluster*.rpm
- Create a set of volume configuration templates
- Create a sym link between /etc/glusterfs and /usr/local/etc - otherwise things break
- Create the volume config files
RAID 0: glusterfs-volgen --name RAID-0 --export-directory /gluster/RAID-0 compute-0-0 compute-0-1
RAID 1: glusterfs-volgen --name RAID-1 --raid 1 --export-directory /gluster/RAID-1 compute-0-0 compute-0-1
- copy /etc/glusterfs/RAID-0-export.vol to /etc/glusterfs/glusterfsd.vol
- copy /etc/glusterfs/RAID-0-mount.vol to /etc/glusterfs/glusterfs.vol
- Start the Gluster servers:
/etc/init.d/glusterfsd start
- Clients
- Install fuse on all gluster servers: yum -y install fuse fuse-libs
- Install Gluster client and common rpms:
- glusterfs-client-2.0.8-1.i386.rpm
- glusterfs-common-2.0.8-1.i386.rpm
- create the client side gluster config directory:
mkdir -p /etc/gluster
- copy the client config file to /etc/gluster:
cp RAID-0-mount.vol /etc/gluster/glusterfs.vol
- create the directory where the gluster volumes will be mounted:
mkdir /gluster
- manually mount the gluster volume and confirm its fully functional:
mount -t glusterfs /etc/gluster/glusterfs.vol /gluster
Installation issues
- Unless you create a link between /etc/glusterfs and /usr/local/etc/glusterfs glusterfs-volgen will fail
because it does not know where to put its output files.
- You need to manually copy the glusterfs.vol and glusterfsd files to all of the appropriate servers
- If you create multiple volumes; you have to manually merge the configuration template files
- It's not clear whether gluster expects to use the entire volume specified by glusterfs-volgen
- It's not clear how to control space allocation for gluster volumes
Testing procedures
Performance testing