15-462 Computer Graphics I

The programming and written assignments are the heart of this course and count for 65% of your total grade. Much of what you learn in this course will be through doing these assignments. The programming assignments require heavy use of the OpenGL libraries. Like any large library, it has its idiosyncrasies and idioms. It will require some time to learn how to use it effectively, so you should start your assignments early and get help from the teaching assistants in the graphics lab (WeH 5336) if necessary.

There are 4 programming assignments and 4 written assignments. Programming assignments are scheduled for 2 weeks, the written assignments for 1 week. Assignments may be submitted up to 1 day late with a 20% penalty. Later submissions will be permitted only under the most exceptional circumstances. If those should arise, please see the instructor in person after class or during office hours.

All assignments are single-student assignments. Do not copy any parts of any of the assignments from anyone. Do not look at other students' code, papers, or exams. The university policies on academic conduct will be applied rigorously.

  Out Type Points Assignment Due Solutions

1 Jan 17 P 100 Height Fields   Thu Jan 31 Sample Solution
2 Jan 31 W 50 Transformation and Viewing   Thu Feb 7 before class Sample Solution
3 Feb 7 P 100 Mobile Animation   Thu Feb 21 Movie (29MB)
4 Feb 21 W 50 Curves and Surfaces   Thu Feb 28 before class Sample Solution
5 Mar 7 P 100 Roller Coasters and Splines   Thu Mar 21 Movie (47MB)
6 Mar 21 W 50 Rendering   Thu Mar 28 before class Sample Solution
7 Mar 28 P 150 Ray Tracing   Thu Apr 25 (*) Movie (11MB) (divx avi, 10MB)
8 Apr 25 W 50 Radiosity and Image Processing   Thu May 2 before class Sample Solution

P = Programming, W = Written,
(*) no late assignments accepted

Programming Assignments

  • The programming assignments are generally given out on a Thursday and due in 2 weeks.
  • They must be handed in electronically any time on or before the due date.
  • They may be up to 1 day late with a 20% penalty.
  • Grading criteria:
    1. Correctness: does the program compile and run as prescribed?
    2. Functionality: which of the specified features have been implemented?
    3. Style: how clean and elegant is the code?
    4. Documentation: are there sufficient comments to understand the implementations?
  • Criteria not applied unless explicitly specified:
    1. Efficiency: choose clarity over efficiency in your code.
    2. Interface: concentrate on computer graphics, not human-computer interaction.
  • Extra credit may be earned for some assignment where specified.
  • Handin directory is /afs/andrew/scs/cs/15-462/students/userid/asstn/ for assignment n.
  • Some advice:
    1. Start your assignments early.
    2. Design your program from simple to more complex features.
    3. Finish implementations of the simpler specifications before moving on to more complex ones.
    4. Copy working code for parts of the assignment to the hand-in directory.
    5. Take advantage of the teaching assistants. They are eager to help you!

Written Assignments

  • The written assignments are generally given out on a Thursday and due in 1 week.
  • They must be handed in to the instructor by the end of lecture on the due date.
  • They may be up to 1 day late with a 20% penalty.
  • Grading criteria:
    1. Correctness for mathematical questions.
    2. Clarity and thoroughness for design or essay questions.
  • Extra credit may be earned for some assignment where specified.

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Frank Pfenning