15-213 Introduction to Computer Systems
Exams and Quizzes

All quizzes and exams are open book, open notes, closed computer. However, you may find it difficult to finish the quiz or exam in the allotted time if you do not prepare.


Quizzes are taken on-line via the Blackboard system. There will be a quiz every week there is a recitation, except right before or after an exam. There are 8 quizzes throughout the semester, worth 15 points each. Your lowest quiz score will be dropped, given a total of 100 (+5 extra) points for the quizzes, which is 10% of your grade.

On-line quizzes will be timed at 30 minutes, except for Quizzes 1 and 2 which are 40 minutes. You must complete the quiz once you have started it. That is, you cannot save it and return to it later, so make sure you have enough uninterrupted time reserved and have a reliable connection.

Quizzes are available after the last recitation on Monday and due by 11:59pm on Tuesday.

Quizzes cover the material since the last quiz or exam.

    Date Points

1 Mon Jan 24 15
2 Mon Jan 31 15
3 Mon Feb 14 15
4 Mon Mar 14 15
5 Mon Mar 21 15
6 Mon Mar 28 15
7 Mon Apr 18 15
8 Mon Apr 25 15

Exam 1

Tue Feb 22, during lecture time (9:00-10:20)
Sections A, B, C in WeH 7500
Sections D, E, F in DH 2210

Exam 1 covers Chapters 1-3 and 5-6. Some sections of these chapters are omitted; see the course schedule for a more precise reading list. Exam 1 is worth 75 points, which is 7.5% of your grade. Sample exams and solutions from prior years are below in order to help you prepare.

Exam 2

Tue Apr 5, during lecture time (9:00-10:20)
Sections A, B, C in WeH 7500
Sections D, E, F in DH 2210

Exam 2 covers Chapters 7, 8, 10, and the material on Cyclone from lecture and is worth 75 points, which is 7.5% of your grade. Sample exams and solutions from prior years are below in order to help you prepare.


Tue May 3, 5:30pm-8:30pm, UC McConomy

The final is cumulative, but places emphasis on the last part of the course, Chapters 12 and 13. The final is worth a total of 150 points, which is 15% of your grade. Sample finals and solutions from prior years are below in order to help you prepare.

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Frank Pfenning