15-312 Foundations of Programming Languages
Assignment 6: Storage Management
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The revised starting code (Zip) contains one correction to gc.sml and one modification to memory.sml
The revised handout incorporates two corrections to the original.
- At the top of page 5 there are two inference rules. The rule on the right was missing the text "U FLSV(v)" as it appears below and in the updated handout.
(H, FLS(k) U FLE(E) U FLSV(v), 0) |--g*> (H'', 0, H')
H | k | E < v |--a-> H' | k | E < v
- In order to maintain the invariants I've designed for the incremental collector in Task 7, you will need to implement a slight variation of the Copy rule as shown below and in the (second) revised handout.
l \not \in dom(H_t)
------------------------------------------------------------------- Copy'
(H_f[l=V],S U {l},H_t) |--g-> (H_f[l=V],S U FLLV(V),H_t[l=V])
Both revisions are noted in footnotes in the new handout.
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