15-399 Constructive Logic

  • There are a total of 10 homework assignments, worth 100 points each.
  • Some assignments may offer additional problems for extra credit, which is recorded separately.
  • Extra credit will be considered when determining midterm and final grades for borderline cases.
  • Assignments generally are given out Thursday in lecture and are due the following Thursday.
  • Homeworks may require use of the course software, or simply a write-up with pencil and paper.
  • Machine-checked assignment must be submitted via the course software before the start of lecture on the due date.
  • Written homeworks are to be handed in at the beginning of lecture on the due date.
  • We will try our best to return graded homework during the lecture following the due date.
Date Assignment Due Solutions Average Score

Sep 7 Assignment 1   Thu Sep 14   Model Solution   95.8 %
Sep 14 Assignment 2 (extra credit)   Thu Sep 21   Model Solution   87.6 %
Sep 21 Assignment 3   Thu Sep 28   Model Solution   88.4 %
Sep 28 Assignment 4 (extra credit)   Thu Oct 5   Model Solution   86.0 %
Oct 12 Assignment 5   Thu Oct 19   Model Solution   82.7 %
Oct 19 Assignment 6   Thu Oct 26   Model Solution   78.4 %
Oct 26 Assignment 7   Thu Nov 2   Model Solution   74.4 %
Nov 9 Assignment 8   Thu Nov 16   Model Solution   90.3 %
Nov 21 Assignment 9   Thu Nov 30   Model Solution   94.8 %
Dec 5 Assignment 10 (addendum)   Tue Dec 12   Model Solution   78.3 %

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Frank Pfenning