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15-816 Linear Logic |
They run only if you have the bin
directoy of SML
in your local path. To start Lolli type
As with Lambda Prolog, terms and atoms in the lanuguage are written in curried
form. So, for instance, the Prolog term "f(a,g(b,c,h(d)),e)
" is written in
Lolli as "(f a (g b c (h d)) e)
Lists in Lolli are constructed as in ML and Lambda Prolog, with the
constructors "::
" and "nil
". Thus the Prolog list "[a,[b,c],d|E]
" is the
Lolli list "(a::(b::c::nil)::d::E)
Constants in the language are mostly untyped, but can be divided into three classes:
Atomic constants, and variable names, can consist of any combination of characters, including spaces, new-lines, or other control codes. If they contain only alphanumeric characters (plus the character '_') then they may be written directly. If they contain other characters, they can be written either by enclosing the entire name in single quotes (''), or by preceeding non-alpha-numeric characters with a caret (^). Lolli will always use the latter method when printing names.
Unless explicitly quantified, names beginning with an upper-case letter or an
underscore are assumed to be logic variables (that is, existentially quantified
at the outermost level of the containing query, or universally quantified at
the outermost level of the containing clause). All other names are assumed to
be constants. It is important to note that while '_' is a valid variable name
in Lolli, it is not anonymous. Lolli does not support anonymous variables.
Thus the unification "(f _ _) = (f b c)
" fails in Lolli.
Certain names (, ; & -o --o :- => <= --> = =:= =\= =< >= < > is + - * / ::
are used for built-in predicates (and logical operators) and are expected by
the parser to occur in infix position. To use these names in other ways, just
put single quotes around them, i.e. "(verb_aux 'is')
Strings are any combination of characters surrounded by double quotes. Strings are expected by some of the built-in predicates (particularly when a file name is needed), and are also useful as prompts, since the write_sans built-in will print them without the quotes.
Integers are any combination of digits only. They are expected when arithmetic evaluation is done.
The formula language of Lolli is quite rich compared to that of Prolog, and is described in depth in the Information and Computation paper. The following is intended to summarize the concrete syntax used for the various logical operators:
Multiplicative truth (one):
: This goal always succeeds, provided any resources in the bounded
context will be used elsewhere in the goal surrounding this one.
It corresponds to the the atomic formula 'one' in Girard's linear
Additive truth (top):
: This goal always suceeds, and in so doing consumes any resources
in the bounded context that are not otherwise (thus far, or in the
future) consumed by the surrounding compound goal. In effect it
exempts the surrounding goal from the requirement that it use
all of the resources in the bounded context. It corresponds to the
formula 'top' in Girard's linear logic.
Bang (modal):
: Used in goal position, this can succeed only if A
can be proved
without using any clauses from the current bounded (linear) context.
In clause position, this indicates that the clause should be placed
in the unbounded context. (This use is discouraged. Use the
intuitionistic implication operator instead.)
Multiplicative Conjunction (tensor):
A , B
: Used as a goal, this says to attempt a proof of A
and, if it succeeds
to attempt a proof of B
using whatever elements of the bounded
context were not consumed during the proof of A. That is, it divides
the bounded context between the two conjuncts.
This operator can also be used on the left of a linear implication,
(or as the outer connective in a clause marked LINEAR in a module),
in which case it simply refers to the conjunction of the two clause.
That is, "(a,b) -o c
" is equivalent to "a -o (b -o c)
". For proof
theoretic reasons, it cannot occur on the left of an intuitionistic
Additive Conjunction (with):
A & B
: As a goal this is similar to "A , B
", but it succeeds only if B
be proved using exactly the same set of resources from the bounded
context as the proof of A
. That is, it duplicates the bounded
context for each conjunct.
When this operator occurs as the outer level connective in a clause
(or on the left of an implication goal) it acts in a somewhat
disjunctive manner, saying that one or the other of the clauses
may be selected, but not both. (If the clause pair is in the
unbounded context this behavior is mitigated, since the overall
pair may be used twice, and each subclause selected in turn).
In the head of a clause it says that any of the conjuncts may
match as the head. These behaviors are demonstrated in the program
in ./examples/simple/with_clause.ll
Multiplicative Disjunction (oplus):
A ; B
: This goal attempts a proof of A
, and if it succeeds the overall
goal suceeds. If it fails then B
is attempted.
Linear Implication:
A -o B
: In goal position this means add the clause A
to the bounded context
and attempt to prove the goal B. While clause ordering is not an
issue in the pure logic, search in Lolli occurs (as in Prolog) from
the beginning of a program and continues downwards. Implications add
their assumptions to the beginning of a program.
Linear Implication (reverse order of arguments)
A :- B
: Used in clause position, A
is taken to be the head of the clause,
and the goal B
is its body. Unlike Prolog, the head A
need not
be an atom, though it wil most often be. Rather, it can be any valid
clause. To understand this look at the definition of backchaining in
the simple Prolog implementation of the logic given in the
Information & Computation paper.
In actuality, the operators ':-
' and '-o
' are fully interchangeable, with
'A -o B
' equivalent to 'B :- A
Intuitionistic Implication:
A => B
: The same as "A -o B
", but adds the clause A
to the unbounded context.
The same effect can be achieved by "{A} -o B
", though that style
is discouraged.
Intuitionistic Implication: (reverse order of arguments)
A <= B
: As a clause (with head A
) the body goal B
must be provable without
using any resources in the current bounded context. The same effect
can be achieved by "A :- {B}
", though that style is discouraged.
As above, the operators '<=
' and '=>
' are fully interchangeable, with
'A => B
' equivalent to 'B <= A
Universal Quantification:
forall x \ A
: As a goal this directs the system to substitute a new constant
for x
in A
and then attempt the goal A
. The system must also, during
the proof of A
, insure that any logic variables that are currently
free the A
or the current program are not bound to terms containing
this new constant. This check insures that the new constant cannot
be drawn outside of the context in which it is created. Bound names
may begin with either upper or lower case, it makes no difference.
Existential Quantification: exists x \ A
: This
can be thought of as turning a goal into a yes-no question. That is
the goal will succeed if there is a substitution for the variable
, but it won't return the substitution. If this is a
part of a compound goal, the effect is to bind 'x
loacally, distinguishing it from other 'x
's which may
occur in the overall goal. As with "forall", bound names may begin
with upper or lower case.
Guard Expressions: Test -> Succeeds | Fails
This is the one extra-logical operator included in the current release
of Lolli. It first attempts a proof of Test. If that succeeds, it then
attempts to prove Succeeds, and the overall goal succeeds only if
Succeeds does. If Test fails, then Fails is attempted, and the overall
goal succeeds only if Fails does. In no case is the Test reattempted.
This extra-logical can be used to implement many of the other such operators common to logic programming. For instance, negation- as-failure can be implemented with the clause:
not G :- G -> fail | true.While the operator "once" which succeeds if its operand does, but can succeed at most once, is defined as:
once G :- G -> true | fail.Note that the resource consumption of a guard expression (if the overall goal succeeds) is equivalent to either "
Test , Succeeds
", or to just
", depending on which case holds. This
seems the most sensible choice, since "Test
will most often be some simple predicate which consumes no
The material above does not fully explain all of the ways in which
the logical operators may be combined. The possible formulas of Lolli
can be summarized by the formulation of three classes of formulas, R
, and G
, (where G
comprises the class of all valid goal formulas) as
R := true | Atom | R1 & R2 | R :- G | R <= G | forall x\ R D := R | {R} | D1 , D2 G := true | erase | A | {G} | G1 & G2 | G1 , G2 | D -o G | R => G | forall x\ G | exists x\ G | G1 ; G2 | (G1 -> G2 | G3)The associativity and precedence of the various operators, in ascending order of precedence is:
right forall exists left <= o- --> (The last is for eventual DCG use.) right ; right & right , right => -o right --o right -> left | left = =:= =\= =< >= < > is left + - * / right ::
While it is possible to use Lolli exclusively interactively, using implications to load clauses into the program contexts, this quickly grows tedious. Some way of reading programs from text files is desired. To this end, Lolli has adopted an extended (and modified) variant of Lambda Prolog's module system.
The basic form of a module is a name declaration followed by an
arbitrary number of clauses, with ".
" used to mark the end of a
clause. Ie:
MODULE modulename. clause 1. clause 2. ...
This module must be stored in a file named "modulename.ll
As with Prolog, and Lambda Prolog, variables (names beginning with an uppercase character or underscore) are assumed to be universally quantified at the boundary of the clause.
Because it is assumed that most of the clauses in a program are
intended to be useable as many or as few times as needed, clauses not
otherwise marked are loaded into the unbounded context (as though they
had been asserted with the "=>
" operator). If a clause is intended to
be put in the bounded context it is marked with the keyword
MODULE modulename. clause 1. LINEAR clause 2. ...
Two mechanisms are provided for controling the binding (and availability) of
names that occur in a module. First, in order to suport notions of abstraction
and hiding, the LOCAL declaration, which takes a space delimited list of names
(which can be constant, function, or predicate names), declares that those
names are local to the module, and cannot be seen outside. Thus in the
following module, the predicate "pr1
" cannot be called from outside this
MODULE modulename. LOCAL pr1. clause 1. ... pr1 :- body1. pr1 :- body2. ...
A module may also be parameterized by a series of names, which are placed after the modulename in the module declaration. This provides a way of speciying behavior of clauses in the module without adding extra parameters to the individual predicates. Thus a module defining a sorting predicate could be given by:
MODULE sort ordering. LOCAL collect unpack hyp. collect nil. collect (X::nil) :- hyp X. collect (X::Y::L) :- collect (Y::L), hyp X, ordering X Y. unpack nil G :- G. unpack (X::L) G :- hyp X -o unpack L G. sort L K :- unpack L (collect K).
Modules are loaded using the "--o
" operator, as described below. So, if
we wished to use this predicate to sort some list in decending order, the query
would be:
?- (sort '>=') --o (sort (1::3::5::2::4::6::0::nil) A). A_1 <- 6 :: 5 :: 4 :: 3 :: 2 :: 1 :: 0 :: nil yes
Note that the overloading of the "sort" identifier is not a problem here.
The entire module syntax is simply syntactic sugar for a combination of
quantifiers and implications. The translation is given on page 6 of the short
paper in lppl.dvi
An important goal of this implementation was to provide enough built-in predicates to make it possible to write interesting Lolli programs. The built-in predicates can be classified in four groups: input-output, arithmetic, control, and miscellaneous.
Note that, do to the nature of the implementation, it is illegal to specify clauses for predicates with the same name as a built-in predicate, even if the predicate you are attempting to define is of a different arity.
write Term
: Writes the current instantiation of Term
current output. Strings are written with surrounding double quotes,
atomic constants are written directly, with non-alphanumeric
characters preceeded by a caret. Complex terms are written with as
few parentheses as possible, using the same associativity and
precedence as the input parser.
write_sans Term
: If Term
is instantiated to a string,
the text of the the string is written to the current output, without
surrounding quotes. If Term
is any other structure, (including a
complex term with string sub-terms) this predicate behaves the same as
write_clause Term
: This predicate behaves the same as
except that the term is treated as though it occurs as a
program clause, ie. it has parity -1. So, for instance,
?- write ((a -o b) -o c), nl. (b :- a) -o c solved. ?- write_clause ((a -o b) -o c), nl. c :- (a -o b) solved
write_raw Term
: This predicate is intended mostly for
debugging Lolli's parser. It prints out the given term in prefix form
with all its parentheses. This enables you to check that a term is
parsing the way you think it should.
: Writes a newline character to the current output.
read Term
: Reads a term from the current input and
unifies that term with Term
. The input is terminated
either by a period or end-of-file. If end-of-file is (or has been)
reached before any input is read, then the atomic constant end_of_file
is returned by the input parser.
telling Filename Goal
: Sets the current output to the
named file for the duration of the proof of the goal given by
. Filename
must be instantiated to a
string constant. Success or failure of the sub-goal will cause the
output to be reset to standard input. Failing back into the goal will
not cause the output to be re- opened. Further, the system only tracks
one output stream. If a nested sub-goal causes output to redirect to a
second file, its completion will cause ouput to return to standard
input, not to the first file. This behavior may change in the future
to allow a stack of output streams, if there is enough demand.
seeing Filename Goal
: This predicate behaves the same
as telling/2
but controls the input stream.
The arithmetic predicates are essentially the same as for Prolog.
Term1 is Term2
: Term2
-- which must be instantiated to
an arithmetic expression built of integers and the operators +,-, *
and /
(integer division) -- is evaluated and the result is unified
with Term1
. Note that no operator precedence is assumed for +,-,*,/
Use parentheses as necessary.
Term1 =:= Term2
: Term1
and Term2
are evaluated, and
checked for equality
Term1 =\= Term2
: ... inequality,
Term1 >= Term2
: ... greater-than-or-equals,
Term1 =< Term2
: ... less-than-or-equals,
Term1 > Term2
: ... greater-than, or
Term1 <
: ... less-than, respectively.
Note: Be careful when entering '>=
' and '=<
', since '=>
' and '<=
are defined as intuitionistic implication.
: This goal always fails.
: Start a new read-prove-print loop, with the
current proof context as a base. Bounded formulas in the new base
context must be used in any query that is to succeed. However, each
sucsessive query will be started with those formulas restored to the
context. I.e.,
?- a -o top. ?- true. no ?- a. solved. ?- a -o (a, a). solved.
: This causes the current goal and the current
read- prove-print loop to be exited, and control returned to the loop
that was executing at the time of the most recent call to
. Any goals that are pending in that loop are also
aborted. For instance, if we continue the session in the last
?- a -o top, a. ?- a. no ?- a, a. solved. ?- pop, a. Returning to previous top level... ?- a. solved.If end-of-file (^D on most systems) is issued at the Lolli prompt, this is taken as a short-cut for
. Attempts to pop/1
out of
the outermost (top level) read-prove-print
loop will cause the following message to be
?- pop. You are now at the top level. Use 'bye' to leave Lolli.
: Similar to pop/1
, but returns to the
read-prove-print loop.
: Immediately abort the current goal and return
to the current read-prove-print loop.
?- abort, a. aborted...
bye (or exit)
: Immediately abort the current goal and
exit Lolli.
Term --o Goal
: Take the head of Term
be a module name, and its arguments to be actual parameters. Load the
named module, appropriately parameterized, into the current context,
and attempt to prove Goal.
load Term
: This is just syntactic sugar for
'Term --o top
Term1 = Term2
: Attempts to unify Term1
with Term2
cd Dirname
: Causes the current directory to be changed
to Dirname, which must be instantiated to a string constant.
system Command Result
: Passes the string Command
the operating system as a command. The result code returned by the
operating system is then unified with Result
explode String Term
: Unifies Term
with a list built by
turning each character of String
into an atomic constant.
explode_words String Term
: Unifies Term
with a list
built by turning each word (ie, white-space delimited chunk of
characters) in String
into an atomic constant.
var Term
: This goal succeeds if and only if Term
is an
uninstantiated logic variable.
nonvar Term
: This goal succeeds if and only if Term
anything but an uninstantiated logic variable.
generalize Term1 Term2
: This predicate scans Term1
find any unbound logic variables, and then unifies Term2
with a term
built from Term1
, but with all those unbound variables explicitly
universally quantified. For example,
?- generalize (f A b (c D)) E. E_1 <- forall A_3 \ (forall D_2 \ f A_3 b (c D_2)).
Note that the implementation of generalize is potentially unsound, as it does not check for variable capture. The circumstances that would force such a capture are, however, unlikely to occur in practice (in fact I'm not 100% sure it can happen at all).