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8 Elf Server Shell Command Summary


Below is the summary of the commands which can be given directly to the Elf server in a shell. This is not the recommended mode of interaction, since this interface was designed for an inferior process to Emacs. Note that configuration refers to the contents of the CONFIG file, not its name.

configure <configuration>  --- configure Elf server
check-config               --- check current configuration
check-file <filename>      --- check only given <filename>
solve <Return> <query>.    --- find first solution to <query>
solve* <n> <Return> <query>.  --- find first <n> solutions to <query>
top                        --- start Prolog-like top level
cd <directory>             --- change working directory
pwd                        --- print working directory
quit                       --- quit server

toc                        --- show files comprising current configuration
show_prog                  --- show names of declared constants
print_sig <filename>       --- print signature in external form
print_sig_full <filename>  --- print signature in internal form
type-of <constant>         --- print type of constant in external form

chatter <n>                --- set level of diagnostic chatter (default 2)
trace <n>                  --- set trace level for query execution (default 0)

limit <param> <n>          --- limit printing parameter
unlimit <param>            --- unlimit printing parameter
