Lecture 19
We discuss two topics:
The relationship between the theory of Turing Machines and practice
The notion of
and its applications
Slide index
15-453 FLAC Lecture 19: Turing Machines and Real Life * Reductions
A Turing Machine solves one problem
First computers: custom computing machines
TMs can be described using text
There is a TM which can simulate any other TM (Alan Turing, 1930)
The Digital Computer: a UTM
Random Access Memories
Turing machines as functions
Computable functions
Compilers: computable functions
Multiple levels of virtualization
The operating system: another (multi-tape) universal Turing machine
The operating system = dovetailing
Reconfigurable hardware
Reconfigurable hardware (2)
Reductions between languages
Reductions are useful
Using reductions to prove undecidability
Some undecidable problems
Compilers and undecidability
The full-employment theorem for compiler-writers
Research in programming languages
Reduction examples
A reduction from ~HP to FIN
Reducing ~HP to FIN (end)
Part 2: Reducing ~HP to ~FIN
Reducing ~HP to ~FIN (end)
To remember