Specific Logical Frameworks and Implementations
This provides
pointers to the logical frameworks ALF, Automath, ELAN, Elf, Forum,
Isabelle, lambda Prolog, Pi. Pointers to related systems are provided
at the end.
- ALF (Another Logical Framework) is a logical framework based on
Martin-Löf type theory.
- Automath
- Automath was the first logical framework, developed by N.G. de Bruijn.
A book Selected Papers on Automath, edited by R.P. Nederpelt,
J.H. Geuvers, and R.C. de Vrijer has appeared as volume 133 of Studies in
Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, North-Holland, 1994.
- Contact: N.G. de Bruijn, wsdwnb@win.tue.nl or
Herman Geuvers, herman@info.win.tue.nl
- ELAN is a logical framework based on rewriting logic developed
by the PROTHEO group managed by Claude Kirchner (CRIN-CNRS & INRIA
- Home page
- Contact: Marian Vittek, Marion.Vittek@loria.fr
- Elf
- Elf is a constraint logic programming language based on (Edinburgh) LF.
It is now integrated in the Twelf implementation (see below).
- Forum
- Forum is a framework based on classical linear logic.
- Isabelle
- Isabelle is a generic theorem prover based on higher-order resolution
and tactics.
- lambda Prolog
- lambda Prolog is a logic programming language based on hereditary Harrop
- Home page
- Implementations: (see also this index)
- Mailing list: lprolog@cis.upenn.edu;
use lprolog-request@cis.upenn.edu for administrative requests.
- Contact:
Dale Miller,
dale@saul.cis.upenn.edu or
Gopalan Nadathur,
- Maude
- Maude is a reflective language and system supporting equational and
rewriting logic specfication and programming.
- Home page
- Mailing list: maude@csl.sri.com;
use maude-request@csl.sri.com
for administrative requests
- Pi
- Pi is a generic logic based on partial inductive definitions.
- Contact: Lars Eriksson, lhe@sics.se
- Twelf
- Twelf is a meta-logical framework based on (Edinburgh) LF. It includes
an implementation of the Elf constraint logic programming language. The implementation
in Standard ML is available for a variety of architectures.
- Home page
- Mailing list: elf-list@cs.cmu.edu;
use elf-list-request@cs.cmu.edu for administrative requests
- Contact: Frank
Pfenning, fp@cs
Pointers to home pages for related topics and systems:
Further pointers to logical frameworks:
Last Updated: Sun Jun 22 1997
Frank Pfenning