I redacted the domain for the cs-students-social@ mailing list below to cut back on spam. Replace the strings of periods by cs.cmu.edu . --RAK Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2017 15:34:25 -0400 From: Ryan Kavanagh To: cs-students-social@.......... Subject: CSD's Social Infrastructure TL;DR: This email describes the infrastructure we have for organising social activities. We maintain a social calendar, a social mailing list, a map, and a list for cultural events. Current students, please consider updating your location on the JWMM if you have moved. TOC: * Social calendar * The JWMM * Social mailing list + Rationale + Posting + Unsubscribing + Questions * Arts mailing list Social calendar =============== We collectively maintain a Google Calendar to keep track of social events (CSD Tea, board game nights, Avalunch, TGs, etc.). Please feel free to add any social events open to our department to it. Please also feel free to add your birthday to the calendar. Please see the "CSD Social Calendar" document in the following Google Drive folder for insturctions on how to access and edit the calendar: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0Bx1O0RDCSN1rc3ctdTB3U2pqUTg Unfortunately, there isn't an easy way to share the folder with everyone, so once you follow that link, you will need to sign in with a *non-Andrew Google account* (because that domain doesn't allow access to the Google My Maps service needed to access the JWMM) and hit the *Request access* button. We will try to grant these requests quickly. (You can also ask any of our colleagues whom you know already has access to give you edit access to the folder.) *DO NOT under any circumstance* make this folder world accessible or grant access to people who are not current PhD students in CSD. This folder can also be accessed via the FreeCSD home page: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~free-csd/ The John Wright Memorial Map ============================ In summer 2016, John Wright was dumbfounded to discover how close several of us live, and suggested creating a map of our whereabouts to facilitate spontaneous social events. We did so, and the map can be found in the following folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0Bx1O0RDCSN1rc3ctdTB3U2pqUTg See the "Social calendar" section for instructions on how to request access. Once someone has processed your request, you will be able to access it via the Google Drive web interface as well as the Google My Maps mobile app. For those seeking to add themselves, search for your address in the search bar, then hit the *Add to map* link in the balloon that pops up. Then edit the new pin and using the *pen button* and set its label to your first and last name and the description to your street address including apartment number. You can also hit the paint bucket and set the icon to an image of you. For those already on the map, please update your location if you have moved! Social mailing list =================== We have a mailing list for social activities, similar to the cs-students-summer@ mailing list we have over the summer. Its purpose is to facilitate organising unofficial or impromptu social activities open to the entire CSD PhD student body. Situations in which you might want to email this list include (but are not limited to!): * You are thinking of going to see a movie and would like others to join you. * You want to play board games on a Saturday afternoon and would like others to join you. * Food appeared outside your office and you would like others to know. * It's 12:40 and no one has shown up to lunch yet, and you're wondering where all of your friends are. Official departmental activities (e.g., IC events, Black Friday, etc.) should still be announced to cs-students@. Rationale --------- Why do we need another list?, you might ask. Isn't cs-students@ enough? The reason we requested a second list is to keep the signal-to-noise ratio[0] high on cs-students@. Indeed, departmental announcements get sent to cs-students@ and everybody must be subscribed to it, but not everybody might be interested in getting notifications about impromptu social activities. This list was created to let people "opt-out" of such notifications. (If you wish to do so, see "Unsubscribing" below.) Posting ------- To post to this mailing list, send an email to cs-students-social@.......... As with cs-students@, email must come from an @cs.cmu.edu email address. Email sent from other addresses (e.g., from Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, etc.) will be rejected. Unsubscribing ------------- If you would like to unsubscribe yourself from this mailing list, send an email to cs-students-social-request@.......... with the subject unsubscribe and no body. This email must be sent from your andrewid@.......... address. Alternatively, enter your andrewid@.......... email address on https://mailman.srv.cs.cmu.edu/mailman/options/cs-students-social/ and click the "Unsubscribe" button. If both of these fail, email me. Questions --------- If you have any questions about this list, please feel free to email me or come talk to me (I'm in GHC 6207). Arts mailing list ================= The csd-arts-crowd mailing list[1] exists to help CSD PhD students (and friends) organise outings to various cultural events around Pittsburgh. We regularly organise outings to the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, to the Bolshoi's monthly ballet broadcasts, to the Pittsburgh Opera, to musicals, to plays, to various other concerts, etc. If you're interested in attending such events, you can subscribe here[1]. Once you've subscribed, you can check the list archives[2] to learn about things we're currently planning that you may have missed. We keep this list separate from cs-students-social because there are several non-CSD people on it who aren't subscribed to cs-students-social. Best wishes, Ryan [0] Not that social activities constitute noise! [1] https://lists.andrew.cmu.edu/mailman/listinfo/csd-arts-crowd [2] https://lists.andrew.cmu.edu/mailman/private/csd-arts-crowd/ -- |_)|_/ Ryan Kavanagh | GPG: 4E46 9519 ED67 7734 268F | \| \ https://ryanak.ca/ | BD95 8F7B F8FC 4A11 C97A