
   author    = {Xuehan-Xiong and Fernando {De la Torre}},
   title     = {Supervised Descent Method and its Application to Face Alignment},
   booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
   year      = {2013},
   author    = {Wen-Sheng Chu and Fernando {De la Torre} and Jeffery F. Cohn},
   title     = {Selective Transfer Machine for Personalized Facial Action Unit Detection},
   booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
   year      = {2013},
   author    = {Feng Zhou and Fernando {De la Torre}},
   title     = {Deformable Graph Matching},
   booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
   year      = {2013},
   author    = {Yan Tian and Leonid Sigal and Fernando {De la Torre} and Yonghua Jia},
   title     = {Canonical locality preserving Latent Variable Model for discriminative pose inference},
   journal   = {Image and Vision Computing (IVC)},
   year      = {2013},
   volume    = {31},
   number    = {3},
   year      = {2013},
   pages     = {223-230},
   author    = {Feng Zhou and Fernando {De la Torre} and Jessica K. Hodgins},
   title     = {Hierarchical Aligned Cluster Analysis for Temporal Clustering of Human Motion},
   journal   = {IEEE Transactions Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI)},
   year      = {2013},
   volume    = {35},
   number    = {3},
   pages     = {582-596},
   author    = {Jestin N Carlson and Samarjit Das and Fernando {De la Torre} and Clifton W Callaway and Paul Phrampus and Jessica Hodgins},
   title             = {Motion Capture Measures Variability in Techniques of Endotracheal Intubation},
   journal   = {Journal of Simulation in Healthcare (SIH)},
   year              = {2012},
   volume    = {7},
   issue     = {4},
   pages             = {255-260},
   author    = {Samarjit Das and Breogan Amoedo and Fernando {De la Torre} and Jessica Hodgins},
   title     = {Detecting Parkinsons' Symptoms in Uncontrolled Home Environments: A Multiple Instance Learning Approach},
   booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS)},
   year              = {2012},
   author    = {Samarjit Das and Jestin Carlson and Fernando {De la Torre} and Jessica Hodgins},
   title     = {Multimodal feature analysis for quantitative performance evaluation of endotracheal intubation (ETI)},
   booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)},
   year              = {2012},
   author    = {Dong Huang and Ricardo Silveira Cabral and Fernando {De la Torre}},
   title     = {Robust Regression},
   booktitle = {European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},
   year              = {2012},
   author    = {Dong Huang and Fernando {De la Torre}},
   title     = {Facial Action Transfer with Personalized Bilinear Regression},
   booktitle = {European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},
   year              = {2012},
   author    = {Enrique Sanchez-Lozano and Fernando {De la Torre} and D. Gonzalez-Jimenez},
   title     = {Continuous Regression for Non-Rigid Image Alignment},
   booktitle = {European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},
   year              = {2012},
   author    = {Wen-Sheng Chu and Feng Zhou and Fernando {De la Torre}},
   title     = {Unsupervised Temporal Commonality Discovery},
   booktitle = {European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},
   year              = {2012},
   author    = {Fernando {De la Torre}},
   title     = {A least-squares framework for Component Analysis},
   journal   = {IEEE Transactions Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI)},
   year      = {2012},
   volume       = {34},
   number       = {6},
   pages        = {1041-1055},
   author    = {Minh Hoai and Fernando {De la Torre}},
   title     = {Max-Margin Early Event Detectors},
   booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
   year      = {2012},
   author    = {Feng Zhou and Fernando {De la Torre}},
   title     = {Factorized Graph Matching},
   booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
   year      = {2012},
   author    = {Feng Zhou and Fernando {De la Torre}},
   title     = {Generalized Time Warping for Multi-modal Alignment of Human Motion},
   booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
   year      = {2012},
   author    = {Risheng Liu and Zhouchen Lin and Fernando {De la Torre} and Zixun Su},
   title     = {Fixed-Rank Representation for Unsupervised Visual Learning},
   booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
   year      = {2012},
   author    = {Minh Hoai and Fernando {De la Torre}},
   title     = {Maximum Margin Temporal Clustering},
   booktitle = {International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS)},
   year      = {2012},
   author    = {Ricardo S. Cabral and Fernando {De la Torre} and João P. Costeira and Alexandre Bernardino},
   title     = {Matrix Completion for Multi-label Image Classification},
   booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS)},
   year      = {2011},
   author    = {Lili Pan and Wen-Sheng Chu and Jason M. Saragih and Fernando {De la Torre}},
   title     = {Fast and Robust Circular Object Detection with Probabilistic Pairwise Voting (PPV)},
   journal   = {IEEE Signal Processing Letters},
   year      = {2011},
   author    = {Ekaterina Taralova and Fernando {De la Torre} and Martial Hebert},
   title     = {Source Constrained Clustering},
   booktitle = {International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
   year      = {2011},
   author    = {Samarjit Das and Laura Trutoiu and Akihiko Murai and Dunbar Alcindor and Michael Oh and Fernando {De la Torre} and Jessica Hodgins},
   title     = {Quantitative Measurement of Motor Symptoms in Parkinson's Disease: A Study with Full-body Motion Capture Data},
   booktitle = {International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS)},
   year      = {2011},
   author    = {Fernando {De la Torre} and Tomas Simon and Zara Ambadar and Jeffery F. Cohn},
   title     = {FAST-FACS: A Computer-Assisted System to Increase Speed and Reliability of Manual FACS Coding},
   booktitle = {Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII)},
   year      = {2011},
   author    = {Karim Abou-Moustafa and Mohak Shah and Fernando {De la Torre} and Frank Ferrie},
   title     = {Relaxed Exponential Kernels for Unsupervised Learning},
   booktitle = {Symposium of the German Association for Patter Recognition (DAGM)},
   year      = {2011},
   author    = {Ricardo S. Cabral and J. P. Costeira and Fernando {De la Torre} and Alexandre Bernardino},
   title             = {Fast Incremental Method for Matrix Completion: an Application to Trajectory Correction},
   booktitile        = {IEEE Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)},
   year              = {2011},
   author    = {Jose Rafael Tena and Fernando {De la Torre} and Iain Matthews},
   title     = {Interactive Region-based Linear 3D Face Models},
   booktitle = {ACM SIGGRAPH},
   year      = {2011},
   author    = {Fernando {De la Torre} and Jeffrey F. Cohn},
   chapter   = {Facial Expression Analysis},
   title     = {Guide to Visual Analysis of Humans: Looking at People},
   publisher = {Springer},
   year      = {2011},
   author    = {Dong Huanga and Kelly Meyers and Séverine Henry and Fernando {De la Torre} and Charles C. Horn},
   title     = {Computerized detection and analysis of cancer chemotherapy-induced emesis in a small animal model, musk shrew},
   journal   = {Journal of Neuroscience Methods},
   year      = {2011},
   author    = {Yunfeng Zhu and Fernando {De la Torre} and Jeffery F. Cohn and Yu-Jin Zhang},
   title     = {Dynamic Cascades with Bidirectional Bootstrapping for Spontaneous Facial Action Unit Detection},
   journal   = {IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing},
   year              = {2011},
   volume    = {2},
   issue     = {2},
   pages        = {79-91},
   author    = {Minh Hoai and Zhen-zhong Lan and Fernando {De la Torre}},
   title     = {Joint Segmentation and Classification of Human Actions in Video},
   booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
   year              = {2011},
   author    = {Dong Huang and Yuandong Tian and Fernando {De la Torre}},
   title     = {Local Isomorphism to Solve the Pre-image Problem in Kernel Methods},
   booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
   year              = {2011},
   author    = {Dong Huang and Markus Storer and Fernando {De la Torre} and Horst Bischof},
   title     = {Supervised Local Subspace Learning for Continuous Head Pose Estimation},
   booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
   year              = {2011},
   author    = {Ricardo S. Cabral and João P. Costeira and Fernando {De la Torre} and Alexandre Bernardino and Gustavo Carneiro},
   title     = {Time and order estimation of paintings based on visual features and expert priors},
   booktitle = {SPIE Electronic Imaging, Computer Vision and Image Analysis of Art II},
   year              = {2011},
   author    = {Gemma Roig and Xavier Boix and Fernando {De la Torre} and Joan Serrat and Carles Vilella},
   title     = {Hierarchical CRF with Product Label Spaces for Parts-based Models},
   booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG)},
   year              = {2011},
   author    = {Ying Chen and Fernando {De la Torre}},
   title     = {Active Conditional Models},
   booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG)},
   year              = {2011},
   author    = {Yan Tian and Leonid Sigal and Hernan Badino and Fernando {De la Torre} and Yong Liu},
   title     = {Latent Gaussian Mixture Regression for Human Pose Estimation},
   booktitle = {Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV)},
   month     = {Novemeber},
   year              = {2010},
   author    = {Minyoung Kim and Zengyin Zhang and Fernando {De la Torre} and Wende Zhang},
   title     = {Subspace Regression: Predicting a Subspace from One Sample},
   booktitle = {Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV)},
   month     = {Novemeber},
   year              = {2010},
   author    = {Yang Liu and Feng Zhou and Wei Liu and Fernando {De la Torre} and Yan Liu},
   title     = {Unsupervised Summarization of Rushes Videos},
   booktitle = {ACM Multimedia (MM)},
   month     = {October},
   year              = {2010},
   author    = {Zengyin Zhang and Minyoung Kim and Fernando {De la Torre} and Wende Zhang},
   title     = {A Real-time System for Head Tracking and Pose Estimation},
   booktitle = {Workshop on Signal, Gesture and Activity. In conjunction with ECCV 2010},
   month     = {September},
   year              = {2010},
   author    = {Rebecca C. Thurston and Javier Hernandez Rivera and Jose Maria Del Rio and Fernando {De la Torre}},
   title     = {Support Vector Machines to improve physiologic hot flash measures: Application to the ambulatory setting},
   journal   = {Psychophysiology},
   publisher = {Blackwell Publishing Inc},
   year              = {2010},
   pages     = {1--7},
   author    = {Hyun Soo Park and Takaaki Shiratori and Iain Matthews and Yaser Sheikh},
   title     = {3D Reconstruction of a Moving Point from a Series of 2D Projections},
   booktitle = {European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},
   year              = {2010},
   author    = {Dong Huang and Fernando {De la Torre}},
   title     = {Bilinear Kernel Reduced Rank Regression for Facial Expression Synthesis},
   booktitle         = {European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},
   month     = {September},
   year      = {2010},
   author    = {Yuan Shi and Minh Hoai Nguyen and Patrick Blitz and Brian French and Scott Fisk and Fernando {De la Torre} and Asim Smailagic and Daniel P. Siewiorek and Mustafa al' Absi and Emre Ertin and Thomas Kamarck and Santosh Kumar},
   title     = {Personalized Stress Detection from Physiological Measurements},
   journal   = {International Symposium on Quality of Life Technology},
   year      = {2010},
   author    = {Yuan Shi and Caikou Chen and Fernando {De la Torre} and Howard Wactlar},
   title     = {Coupled State-Space Models for Monitoring Nursing Home Resident Activity},
   journal   = {International Symposium on Quality of Life Technology},
   year      = {2010},
   author    = {L. Igual and Fernando {De la Torre}},
   title     = {Continuous Procrustes Analysis to Learn 2D Shape Models from 3D Objects},
   booktitle         = {3rd Workshop on Non-Rigid Shape and Deformable Image Alignment in conjunction with CVPR},
   year      = {2010},
   author    = {Minyoung Kim and Fernando {De la Torre}},
   title     = {Local Minima Embedding},
   booktitle         = {International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)},
   year      = {2010},
   author    = {Minyoung Kim and Fernando {De la Torre}},
   title     = {Gaussian Processes Multiple-Instance Learning},
   booktitle         = {International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)},
   year      = {2010},
   author    = {Feng Zhou and Fernando {De la Torre} and Jeffrey F. Cohn and Tomas Simon},
   title     = {Unsupervised Discovery of Facial Events},
   institution       = {TR-10-10. CMU May},
   year      = {2010},
   author    = {Feng Zhou and Fernando {De la Torre} and Jeffrey F. Cohn},
   title     = {Unsupervised Discovery of Facial Events},
   booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
   year              = {2010}
   author    = {Tomas Simon and Minh Hoai Nguyen and Fernando {De la Torre} and Jeffrey F. Cohn},
   title     = {Action Unit Detection with Segment-based SVMs},
   booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
   year      = {2010},
   author    = {Karim T. Abou-Moustafa and Fernando {De la Torre} and Frank P. Ferrie},
   title     = {Pareto Discriminant Analysis},
   booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
   year              = {2010}
   author    = {Jose Gonzalez-Mora and Fernando {De la Torre} and Nicolas Guil and Emilio L. Zapata},
   title     = {Learning a generic 3D face model from 2D image databases using incremental structure from motion},
   journal   = {Image and Vision Computing},
   year      = {2010},
   pages     = {1117--1129},
   author    = {Feng Zhou and Fernando {De la Torre}},
   title     = {Canonical Time Warping for Alignment of Human Behavior},
   booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems Conference (NIPS)},
   month     = {December},
   year      = {2009},
   author    = {Nuria Brunet and Francisco Perez and Fernando {De la Torre}},
   title     = {Learning Good Features for Active Shape Models},
   booktitle = {2nd IEEE International Workshop on Subspace Methods in conjunction with ICCV2009},
   month     = {September},
   year              = {2009}}
   author    = {Gemma Roig and Xavier Boix and Fernando {De la Torre}},
   title     = {Optimal Feature Selection for Subspace Image Matching},
   booktitle = {2nd IEEE International Workshop on Subspace Methods in conjunction with ICCV2009},
   month     = {September},
   year              = {2009}}
   author    = {Andrew Ryan and Jeffery F. Cohn and Simon Lucey and Jason Saragih and Patrick Lucey and Fernando {De la Torre} and Adam Ross},
   title     = {Automated Facial Expression Recognition System},
   booktitle = {IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology},
   year              = {2009},
   month     = {October},
   author    = {Jeffery F. Cohn and Tomas Simon Kruez and Iain Matthews and Ying Yang and Minh Hoai Nguyen and Margara Tejera Padilla and Feng Zhou and Fernando {De la Torre}},
   title     = {Detecting Depression from Facial Actions and Vocal Prosody},
   booktitle = {Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII)},
   month     = {September},
   year      = {2009},
   author    = {Yunfeng Zhu and Fernando {De la Torre} and Jeffery F. Cohn and Yu-Jin Zhang},
   title     = {Dynamic Cascades with Bidirectional Bootstrapping for Spontaneous Facial Action Unit Detection},
   booktitle = {Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII)},
   month     = {September},
   year      = {2009},
   author    = {Ekaterina H. (Spriggs) Taralova and Fernando {De la Torre} and Martial Hebert},
   title     = {Temporal Segmentation and Activity Classification from First-person Sensing},
   booktitle = {IEEE Workshop on Egocentric Vision, in conjunction with CVPR 2009},
   month     = {June},
   year              = {2009},
   author    = {Jose Gonzalez-Mora and Nicolas Guil and Emilio L. Zapata and Fernando {De la Torre}},
   title     = {Efficient Image Alignment using Linear Appearance Models},
   booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
   month     = {June},
   year              = {2009},
   author    = {Fernando {De la Torre} and Jessica K. Hodgins and Javier Montano and Sergio Valcarcel},
   title     = {Detailed Human Data Acquisition of Kitchen Activities: the CMU-Multimodal Activity Database (CMU-MMAC)},
   booktitle = {Workshop on Developing Shared Home Behavior Datasets to Advance HCI and Ubiquitous Computing Research, in conjuction with CHI 2009},
   year              = {2009}
   author    = {Ralph Gross and Latanya Sweeney and Jeffery F. Cohn and Fernando {De la Torre} and Simon Baker},
   chapter   = {Face De-identification},
   title     = {Protecting Privacy in Video Surveillance},
   year              = {2009},
   pages     = {129--146},
   isbn              = {978-1-84882-300-6},
   publisher = {Springer Publishing Company, Incorporated},
   author    = {Javier Melenchon and Elisa Martinez and Fernando {De la Torre} and Jose A. Montero},
   title     = {Emphatic Visual Speech Synthesis},
   journal   = {IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing},
   year              = {2009},
   month     = {March},
   volume    = {17},
   number    = {3},
   pages     = {459--468},
   author    = {Fernando {De la Torre} and Takeo Kanade},
   chapter   = {Discriminative Cluster Analysis},
   title     = {Theory and Novel Applications of Machine Learning. M. Er and Y. Zhou (Eds)},
   year              = {2009},

   author    = {Rebecca C. Thurston and Karen A. Matthews and Javier Hernandez and Fernando {De la Torre}},
   title     = {Improving the Performance of Physiologic Hot Flash Measures with Support Vector Machines},
   journal   = {International Journal of the Society for Psychophysiological Research (SPR)},
   month     = {January},
   year      = {2009},
   volume    = {46},
   pages     = {285--292},
   author    = {Feng Zhou and Fernando {De la Torre} and Jessica K. Hodgins},
   title             = {Aligned Cluster Analysis for Temporal Segmentation of Human Motion},
   booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Automatic Face and Gestures Recognition (FG)},
   month             = {September},
   year              = {2008},
   author    = {Ralph Gross and Latanya Sweeney and Fernando {De la Torre} and Simon Baker},
   title     = {Semi-Supervised Learning of Multi-Factor Models for Face De-Identification},
   booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
   month     = {June},
   year              = {2008},
   author    = {Jose Maria Cabero and Fernando {De la Torre} and Galder Unibaso and Aritz Sanchez},
   title     = {Tracking Algorithms Based on Dynamics of Individuals and MultiDimensional Scaling},
   booktitle = {IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing},
   month     = {May},
   year      = {2008},
   author    = {Fernando {De la Torre} and Jessica K. Hodgins and Javier Montano and Sergio Valcarcel},
   title     = {Detailed Human Data Acquisition of Kitchen Activities: the CMU-Multimodal Activity Database (CMU-MMAC)},
   institution = {RI-TR-08-22h, CMU},
   year        = {2008}