| Fuyao Zhao 赵扶摇
Institute for Software Research
School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Phone: 412-482-2772
Email: fuyaoz at cs dot cmu dot edu
Office: A104, 300 S Craig St
[ About me
| Education | Publication & Reports |
Experience | Honors & Awards |
Coursework | Skills & Activities ]
I'm a second year master student in VLIS program in Institute for Software Research
of School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University.
I hold a variety of interests in computer science including: Software Engineering, Programming Language & Compiler, Algorithm Design & Analysis, Machine Learning.
Currently I'm doing research in developing new programming language model integrated with native database access component such that:
- We could clear and nicer database/storage access pattern;
- We could utilize static checking to find integrity & performance problems.
My resume is available here: .
See you guys in Google.
- Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
School of Computer Science
M.Sc., Information Technology,
Aug., 2010 ~ May, 2012 (expected)
- Central South University, Changsha, Hunan, China
School of Information Science and Engineering
B.S., Computer Science and Technology, Sept., 2006 ~ Jun., 2010
- Major GPA: 3.97, General GPA: 3.48
- Bachelor Thesis: The Design of a General Text Algorithm Library
Undergraduate works
- DENG Xiao-Heng, Liu Yi, Zhao Fu-Yao and Chen Zhi-Gang,
"A Complex Network based Virtual Computing Environment Topology Generating Method,"
The 2010 IEEE International Workshop on Internet-based Virtual Computing Environment.
In conjunction with The 16th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems
- Xiao-Heng Deng, Chu-Gui Xu, Fu-Yao Zhao and Yi Liu,
"Repair Policies of Coverage Holes Based Dynamic Node Activation in Wireless Sensor Networks,"
3rd International Workshop on Sensor Networks and Ambient Intelligence.
In conjunction with 7th International Conferences on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing
- Zhao Fuyao and Liu Qingwei,
"A String Matching Algorithm Based on Efficient Hash Function,"
International Conference on Information Engineering and Computer Science.
pp.388-391 Wuhan, China: IEEE Press, 2009
- Yulong Lu, Fuyao Zhao, Jing Han and Hongyan Zhang,
"Mathematical Model and Algorithm for Route Optimization of Municipal Domestic Waste Collection and Transportation,"
Environment Science and Management.
pp.46-50 Harbin, China, 2009
- Plaid Programming Language Design & Implementation Sept., 2010 - present
Carnegie Mellon University, Advisor: Prof. Jonathan Aldrich
Working in Plaid Group for Plaid Programming Language design and implementation, specified in compiler optimization, type checking and research in developing novel language features to provide better database access pattern.
- Trusted Computing & Complex Network Sept., 2009 - Jun., 2010
Central South University, Advisor: Prof. Xiaoheng Deng
Studied the trust mechanism based on evolutionary game model in virtual computing environment and adopt complex network theory to construct network topology (Natural Science Foundation of China No. 60903058). Designed highly efficient algorithm for the evolve model.
- Text Algorithm Design & Analysis Nov., 2008 - Jun., 2010
Central South University, Advisor: Prof. Langsheng Yu,  
Studied text algorithms and proposed two novel algorithms on string matching and compression, which became my bachelor thesis and earned the highest honor Excellent Bachelor’s Thesis in Computer Science Department.
Teaching Assistant Sept., 2011 - present
Carnegie Mellon Universty Grading homework, designing programming assignment for distributed system.
SDE Intern
Jun., 2011 - Aug., 2011
Designed and implemented the prototype system on AWS for monitoring and analyzing the phone call status & recordings to ensure customer service quality. Designed the algorithms of abusive behavior detection for phone call recordings.
ACM-ICPC Coaching Assistant Aug., 2009 - Jun., 2010
Central South University
I assisted training teams of CSU for ACM Collegiate Programming Contest. Shared
responsibility for lectures and team selection. Worked as organizer, problem settler and judge in 3rd and 4th Collegiate Programming Contest of Central
South University.
- Excellent Bachelor's Thesis,
top 0.1% of year 2010's graduates' thesis,
awarded by Central South University, 2010
- Distinguished Graduate,
top 1.8% of all undergraduate students at CSU,
awarded by Hunan Ministry of Education, 2010
- Gold Medal, 34th ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest(ICPC) - Asia Programming Contest
awarded by Association for Computing Machinery and University of Science and Technology of China, 2009
- China National Scholarship,
top 1.6% of all undergraduate students at CSU,
awarded by China Ministry of Education, 2009
- ArcelorMittal Scholarship,
top 0.2% of all undergraduate students at CSU,
awarded by the ArcelorMittal Corporate and Central South University, 2009
- Honorable Mention, The Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM),
awarded by Consortium for Mathematics and Its Application, 2009
- Programming:
C/C++, Java, C#, Perl, SQL, SML, Haskell, Matlab, Javascript, Lexer/Yacc, LLVM, SMV, Hadoop, OpenMP, MPI, Cuda
- Activities:
Go Game, Photography, Tennis, Violin