Fay Chang
I am now at Google. The rest
of this page is sadly out of date.
While a graduate student at CMU, I was a member of the
Parallel Data Laboratory. In my
thesis research,
I worked on developing a general, automatic approach to I/O prefetching
based on speculative execution. Prior to that, I worked on the
Network-attached Secure Disks
(NASD) project.
Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data,
Proceedings of the 7th Symposium on Operating Systems Design
and Implementation (OSDI), November 2006. Best paper award (tied).
Keir Fraser and Fay Chang. Operating system I/O
Speculation: How two invocations are faster than one, Proceedings
of the USENIX Annual Technical Conference, June 2003. Best paper
award (tied).
Fay Chang and Garth A. Gibson. Automatic I/O hint
generation through speculative execution, Proceedings of the 3rd
Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI),
February 1999. Best student paper award (tied).
Garth A. Gibson, et. al. A cost-effective,
high-bandwidth storage architecture, Proceedings of the 8th
Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating
Systems (ASPLOS), October 1998.
Garth A. Gibson, et. al. Filesystems
for network-attached secure disks, Technical Report CMU-CS-97-118,
July 1997.
Garth A. Gibson, et. al. File server
scaling with network-attached secure disks, Proceedings of the ACM
Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems (SIGMETRICS),
June 1997.
Wayne Sawdon, Fay Chang and Steve Lucco. A
preliminary report on software prefetching in the instruction stream,
Workshop on Compiler Support for System Software (WCSSS), February 1996.
(Note: If you are interested in instruction prefetching, I'd recommend
C.K. Luk and Todd Mowry's paper in the Proceedings of MICRO-31, 1998, which
can be found here.)
Some useful links:
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to
do nothing."
-- Edmund Burke, 1776