NT and RedHat Linux on the same disk? jch's answer here: keywords: zarchives, Adaptec, SCSI, RedHat 5.0, 7880, Intel R440LX The sequence I used to get NT and RedHat to exist on the same SCSI disk using this controller is: 1) Set up a small (e.g. 400M) FAT16 partition at the beginning of the disk, using either DOS fdisk or the NT installer. Install NT into this. 2) Install RedHat on the disk. Put a small (e.g. 100M) root partition just after the FAT16 partition. It may or may not be important to get these both below the 1024 cylinder limit, but I'm not taking chances. Ignore fdisk warnings that the FAT16 partition doesn't end on a cylinder boundary. Ignore the fact that "Begin" fields are multiples of 1024, and aren't equal to the "Start" fields. 3) Let LILO play with the first sector of your root partition, *not* the master boot record. Don't let LILO create an entry for NT in the boot sequence -- installation will fail with no error message. 4) Reboot into Linux rescue mode using the boot and supplemental floppies. Follow the instructions in the NT OS Loader + Linux mini-HOWTO to suck the Linux boot sector off your Linux partition and put it onto a floppy (or maybe straight to the FAT16 partition, if you're cleverer than me). Note that because you're using a SCSI drive, you can't use "linux single root=/dev/sdaX initrd=" to boot straight into Linux (as the mini-HOWTO assumes), but have to go the full rescue mode route. This means you'll have to mount any partitions you need (at least /, and /usr too if that's separate) manually, and therefore adjust paths to dd and cp appropriately (e.g. "dd if=/mnt/dev/fd0..."). You won't be able to use mcopy, either, and "copy" in the mini-HOWOTO is a typo for "cp". For the records, I used: mount sda2 /mnt mount sda8 /mnt/usr mount -t msdos /mnt/dev/fd0 /mnt/dev/floppy dd if=/mnt/dev/sda2 of=/bootsect.lnx bs=512 count=1 cp /bootsect.lnx /mnt/dev/floppy umount 5) Reboot into NT. Use the NT file manager to create NTFS partitions in any remaining free space (I used half of the space at the end of the disk for NTFS). Follow the rest of the instructions in the mini-HOWTO to put an entry in C:\boot.ini to refer to C:\bootsec.lnx. 6) Reboot. Gentlemen, choose your operating systems! Note: I'm keeping the 400MB NT partition as FAT16 so that both NT and Linux can manipulate C:\boot.ini to pick a default operating system for the next reboot. Addendum: don't start a linux partition on the partial cylinder at the end of the FAT16 cylinder -- use the next one instead. And although you can ignore the Begin != Start messages, you might find it necessary to add the partitions strictly sequentially, as they are laid out on the disk. yes, an alternative is just to throw two smaller disks in there yes, this is all because Adaptec support on the RedHat 5.0 boot disks is suboptimal - 24 Feb 1997