ITK Math Basics Assignment by Prahlad G Menon and John Galeotti, © 2012-2013 Carnegie Mellon University, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available by sending email to itk |
Please contact Dr. Menon (and CC Dr. Galeotti) with any questions: pgmenon+miia , CC to galeotti+miia
10 points total
Due Date: Email your submission to Dr. Menon by midnight (~11:59 PM EST) on Monday night, Jan. 27.
Problem 1 (7 points)
Consider the signal, s[k], with k = 1…N, and the signal model f[k] which is the Fourier series expansion of s[k], such that:
f[k] = (1/N) Σn=0N-1 c[n] Φn[k] (1)
where, c[k] are coefficients and Φn[k] are terms of the Fourier series with N total terms.
- Write down the formulation of this fitting problem expressed in the matrix form, assuming that the Fourier terms,Φn[k] form a matrix, A.
- Provide a means of solving this problem for the coefficients of the Fourier series expansion in the least squares sense and prove that:
c = (ATA)-1 AT f (2)
where, c is a vector, A is a symmetric matrix and f is a vector.
- In this specific case of A representing Fourier terms, given properties of being orthonormal, how can you further simplify equation (2) ..?
Problem 2 (3 points)
Consider the 2x2 matrix, A = [ 1, 3; 3, 1]
- Calculate the eigenvalues and eigenvectors (v1 and v2, say) for A.
- What is the vector norm of the eigen vectors of A ..?
Hint: what are |v1| and |v2|..?