Carnegie Mellon University > Robotics Institute > Garth Zeglin > Miscellaneous Art Projects
Quick Links: [Garth Zeglin artwork] [Advising and Consulting] [Anti-War Posters]
My main art web has moved to, including documentation on my kinetic fabric sculpture, performance art, talking mirrors, and motion-sensitive costumes. This page has information on older work and side projects.
I started out my art experience by consulting with artists on various projects, including both technical consultation and serving on two MFA committees. My role as co-founder of Rossum's still sometimes includes informal technical consultation.
In 2005 I designed a series of satirical posters to underscore the ever-increasing militarization of robotics, intended to provoke thought in the robotics research community.
I contributed the electronics to the McBlare project, a collaboration with Ben Brown, Roger Dannenberg, Carl DiSalvo, and others to make a machine to play bagpipes. It premiered at the Robotics Institute 25th Anniversary event in 2004 and has made many appearances since.
I have worked on a few static sculptures built out of LEDs in addition to all the motion-controlled wearable lighting. One collaborative one showed informally at the second meeting of the "Seminar" salon.
An ongoing project that started in the summer of 2004. An early set of clips showed informally at the first "Seminar" salon.
This was a collaboration during the Summer of 2003 with Roger Dannenberg,
Barbara Bernstein, Tom Neuendorffer, and the Pittsburgh New Music Ensemble.
In September 2000 I was an invited participant in the "Alma de Rana" art festival in Santomera, Spain. I had my first taste of performance art in a collaboration with artist Diego Diaz to create the "Institute for the Study of Biological Enigmas," a fictional crypto-zoological science institute.
We succeeding in attracting the attention of the local press. I also have a few photos incidental to the project.
Page revision: 2006/11/08 22:16:24.
Garth Zeglin, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University.