FAST-MAP directory set-up: Frequently-asked questions
I have downloaded and installed FAST-MAP on my computer, but my
colleagues were not able to run it when they logged on to FAST-MAP.
First, you must give everyone "READ" access rights to your
"FAST-MAP"directory and all its subdirectories. In addition,
all users must have "WRITE" access to the following subdirectories:
- "FAST-MAP/user/";
- "FAST-MAP/library/";
- "incoming/"; and
- "FAST-MAP/code/templates/bin/"
Individual gel and study directories may be protected if necessary.
Help! I am running out of disk space in my "FAST-MAP" directory.
You should do spring-cleaning in your "FAST-MAP/user/" and
"FAST-MAP/library/markers/" directory periodically:
- Delete any obsolete gels and studies from "nicknames";
- Delete any obsolete markers from "markers" and panels from
- Delete the marker libraries of all the markers of obsolete panels in
"FAST-MAP/library/markers/" (in FAST-MAP, type reset_now panel );
- Delete the marker libraries of panels and size standards of an
obsolete experiment_condition (in FAST-MAP, type reset_now panel
and reset_now size_std
Or, purchase more disk storage.
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