Language Technologies Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
NOVA LINCS, NOVA University of Lisbon
Hello! I am a Ph.D. student both at Language Technologies Institute (LTI), Carnegie Mellon University, and at NOVA Laboratory for Computer Science and Informatics (NOVA LINCS), NOVA University of Lisbon.
I am working with Professor Jamie Callan and Professor João Magalhães, in the retrieval and analysis of information in social media streams.
Before enrolling in the dual degree Carnegie Mellon Portugal program, I completed my Master studies in Computer Science and Informatics at FCT/NOVA. My Master thesis focused on the development of a daily summarization system, using the 1% Twitter data stream. With the development of this system, I started to analyze the subtopics that appear in the stream and compose the users' information needs.
As an undergraduate student I had the opportunity to intern at FCCN working as part of the advanced systems group. In this internship I developed a video streaming platform leveraging on Web-RTC.
Fall 2016: Teaching Assistant, Algorithms and Data Structures (Algoritmos e Estruturas de Dados) @ FCT/NOVA