P. Gibbons photo

Phillip B. Gibbons

Computer Science Department
Electrical & Computer Engineering Department
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA
Office: 7221 Gates-Hillman Center


Phil Gibbons is a Professor in the Computer Science Department and the Electrical & Computer Engineering Department at Carnegie Mellon University. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of California at Berkeley in 1989. Gibbons was a researcher in the Mathematical Sciences Research Center at AT&T Bell Laboratories (1990-1996), the Information Sciences Research Center at Lucent Bell Laboratories (1996-2001), and the Intel Research Pittsburgh Lablet (2001-2011). He was Co-PI/Co-Director for the $15M Intel Science and Technology Center for Cloud Computing (2011-2015). Gibbons' research areas include parallel computing, distributed systems, databases, computer architecture and machine learning. His publications span theory and systems, across a broad range of computer science and engineering (e.g., conference papers in AAAI, AISTATS, APoCS, ASP-DAC, ASPLOS, ATC, ESA, EuroSys, HPCA, ICAPS, ICML, ICRA, IPDPS, ISCA, ISPASS, MICRO, MLSys, NeurIPS, NSDI, OSDI, PACT, SIGMETRICS, SOCC, SODA, SOSP, SPAA, and VLDB since 2015).

My Publication List (from DBLP)
My Google Scholar page

Note: Everything below here has not been updated since 2019


Past Teaching

Current Research Projects

Selected Prior Research Projects

Selected Talks and Surveys (Note: Viewing ppt files in a browser may miss out on the animations.)


Recent Awards and Honors (2006-present)

Recent Professional Service (2010-present)


Page last updated: July 2019