Here is all of the Romanian that Nina and Doru have taught me so far. This is updated as I learn new words.


  1. da - yes
  2. nu - no
  3. buna - hello
  4. pa - goodbye
  5. buna dimineata - good morning
  6. buna seara - good evening
  7. multumesc - thank you
  8. te rog - please
  9. te rog frumos - please (with emphasis)
  10. cu placere - with pleasure ("you are welcome")
  11. cu respect - respectfully, as in a letter closing
  12. noroc - cheers, actually means "good luck", how men salute one another
  13. ce mai faci? - How are you doing?
  14. ce mai faceți domnule? - How are you doing, sir?
  15. ce mai faceți doamnă? - How are you doing, maam?
  16. bine - OK; good; alright (agreement)
  17. foarte bine - very good
  18. excelent - excellent
  19. așa și-așa - so so


  1. cine - who?
  2. cine e la telefon? - who's on the telephone?
  3. cine este la telefon? - who is on the telephone?
  4. cine a fost la telefon? - who was on the telephone?
  5. cine este la usa? - who is at the door?
  6. cum - how?
  7. cum te simți - how are you feeling?
  8. ce? - what? (not polite)
  9. poftim? - what? (polite)
  10. ce faci? - what are you doing?
  11. unde - where?
  12. unde mergi? - where are you going?
  13. unde mergi acum? - where are you going now?
  14. când? - when?
  15. din ce oras esti? - What town are you from?
  16. de undi esti? - Where are you from?


  1. zero - zero
  2. unu - one
  3. doi - two
  4. trei - three
  5. patru - four
  6. cinci - five
  7. șase - six
  8. șapte - seven
  9. opt - eight
  10. noua - nine
  11. zece - ten


  1. bun - good (masculine)
  2. buna - good (feminine)
  3. rău - bad (masculine)
  4. rea - bad (feminine)


  1. andrei - andrew (pronounce as "undray")
  2. domnul - mister
  3. domnișoară - miss
  4. pufi - sweetheart
  5. pufosule - bigger pufi

Misc phrases

  1. mi-e foame - I am hungry.
  2. mi-e sete - I am thirsty.
  3. mi-e cald - I am hot.
  4. mi-e frig - I am cold.
  5. mi-e bine - I am OK.
  6. m-am Întors - I have returned.
  7. sunt răcit - I have a cold.
  8. uite soluțiile - Here are the solutions.
  9. poftim - here you are
  10. ma dau jos la tine - I am coming down to get you.
  11. fii cuminte - be good
  12. sunt un student foarte bun - "I am a very good student"
  13. sunt un student excelent - "I am an excellent student"
  14. sunt un student extraordinar - "I am an extraordinary student"
  15. ești un professor foarte bun - "You are a very good professor" (to a man)
  16. ești o profesoara foarte buna - "You are a very good professor" (to a woman)
  17. ești o profesoara excelenta - "You are an excellent professor" (to a woman)
  18. ești o profesoara extraordinara - "You are an excellent professor" (to a woman)
  19. Vin din Bucuresti - I'm coming from Bucharest.
  20. Sunt din Bucuresti - I'm from Bucharest.
  21. Studiez (limbre) romano - I study Romanian (language)
  22. invat - I am learning
  23. Nu mai sunt stresat - I'm not stressed anymore
  24. imi place parfumul tau - I like your perfume

Misc words

  1. mare - large, great
  2. puțin - little (prounounced 'putzin')
  3. invatare automata - machine learning
  4. perete - wall
  5. leu - (1) Romanian unit of currency; (2) lion
  6. bere - beer
  7. vin - wine
  8. urat - ugly
  9. țuică - Romanian brandy
  10. ieri - yesterday
  11. nicăieri - nowhere
  12. așa de mult - so much
  13. cercetare - research
  14. cercetator - researcher
  15. eu sunt cercetator - I am a researcher.
  16. eu sunt un cercetator foarte bun. I am a very good researcher.
  17. buf - the sound of something squishing
  18. parfum - perfume

Words that are the same (or almost the same)

  1. film - film
  2. robot - robot
  3. inteligent - intelligent
  4. proces - process
  5. tenis - tennis
  6. fotbal - football
  7. perfect - perfect
  8. exact - exactly
  9. identic - identical
  10. cancer - cancer
  11. credit - credit
  12. debit - debit
  13. plus - plus
  14. minus - minus
  15. expert - expert
  16. computer - computer
  17. monitor - monitor


Last updated: February 27, 2003